The Malfoys [Part 1]

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This was requested, by the way. they PM'd me so Ima deduce that they wanna stay anonymous so um yeah but this will have a part 2 if u wanna be mentioned u can tell me :D


House: it don't matter 

Blood Status: ^ it don't matter

Warnings: FLOOF DUH mmmaybe i might include some touchy hearty feely things

Notes: young Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Scorpius Malfoy :D So this chapter will kinda be like "highlights" of the Malfoy family.



"Scorpius Lucius Malfoy!" you yell from the kitchen.

Draco and Scorpius look at each other in worry from Scorpius's room. "Uh oh."

"Well, it's all on you, buddy. We had a good run," Draco says, gently pushing his son out of the room.

Scorpius tries running back into his room, only to be stopped by Draco blocking the door.

"If I go down, you're going down with me, mister!" Scorpius sasses to his dad.

"Oh, you wanna play that card?" Draco gives away his infamous smirk, one of the only things that haven't died down since the years in Hogwarts, other than his love for you – cheesy as it is.

Scorpius widens his eyes and runs away screaming while Draco starts running after him. 

They both end up in the kitchen and freeze as Draco picks up Scorpius over his shoulder when they see your stern form standing in front of them, your hand on your hip and your body leaning on one leg.

"Daddy... If you don't run now, mommy'll get you..." Scorpius whispers, although his voice was pretty evident to both his parents.

"Boys, what did I tell you about having fun without me?" You smirk and walk towards the frozen Malfoys.

"Uh... Not to do it?" Scorpius guesses, his bum still facing you.

"Exactly. And since you both disobeyed me, I'll give you a thirty second head start on running before I make all of you do the chores today."

"DADDY RUN!! RUN WHERE THE WIND TAKES YOU!! DON'T LOOK BACK!!" Scorpius squeals as Draco starts sprinting around the house.

"MERLIN, SAVE US!" Draco screams as he reaches Scorpius's room.

Draco throws Scorpius onto his soft bed, making him squeal, and runs to close the door. He's too late though, as you sprint inside and all of you fall on Scorpius's bed in a fit of giggles.

"Daddy has to do the chores!" Scorpius laughs.

(this part is inspired by Michael McIntyre he's such a good comedian y'all should watch him. I'm gonna include 2 kids in this one cuz the game's lame with one kid)

Pants Down, You're the Loser

Pants down, you're the loser. Simple, really. You're in charge on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Draco's in charge Tuesdays, Thursdays, and you both share weekends. Mainly, the person in charge will randomly yell out "Pants down, you're the loser!" at any random moment of any day, and if that person pulls down the kids' pants, the kids lose. This always causes a chaos in the Malfoy Manor.

Now, you never really pull down their pants, because you can run five times faster than them. You always play this game for the laughs. 

The family's currently sat having dinner and Scorpius and Nova, your daughter, are sat talking about the prank they pulled on Albus today while the Potters and Weasleys were over for lunch.

Draco was laughing at something Nova said when you suddenly stopped eating and completely froze. Everyone noticed that. Draco stared at you in confusion, while the kids looked at you in worry.

You snap your head at your kids while they already were getting up and getting ready to run.

"Oh, no." Draco smashes his head on the table.

"Pants down... YOU'RE THE LOSER!" You stand up.

Scorpius and Nova jump out of their chairs while Scorpius drops his and run away, thrusting their bums away so you don't catch their pants. You stand wheezing from laughter as the kids disappear at a corner.

Draco looks at you with a 'really?' face, although he still has a smile on his face.

"The-The way they thrust their ass out!" You say in between laughs.


You always dread when Draco's in charge, since he does them in the worst times ever. Today happens to be one of those times.

Draco wakes up at 3 am to get up to pee, and he is quite happy of the time. He slowly unwinds his arms from around you and gets up to the bathroom.

Once he's done, he freezes outside of the door, takes a deep inhale in, and screams, "PANTS DOWN, YOU'RE THE LOSER!"

Sudden screams are blown around the Manor, and the kids are running and screaming in the dark. You groan and get out of bed, thinking that you'll finally do the can't be done.

You run out of the room to be met by your kids. You pull their pants down and walk to your husband, doing the same.

"IT'S GOT ME!! IT'S GOT ME!!" Scorpius screams, rolling on the floor.

"Darling, don't you think we've had enough kids. You seem quite eager." Draco smirks at you, pulling his pants up.

"Daddy, how are babies born?" Nova asks.


"Mummy? Daddy? Are you awake?" Scorpius walks into you and Draco's shared bedroom.

Draco looks at Scorpius at the doorway with his Star Wars blanket around him and smiles. "Did you have another nightmare, Scorp?" Draco whispers.

Scorpius nods and pouts, "Can I sleep with you?"

"Come here, sweetie." You put your arm out and pull yourself away from Draco's chest to make space for Scorpius.

Scorpius crawls onto the bed and crawls under the covers between his parents.

"Mummy?" Scorpius mumbles.

"Hm?" You hum.

"I had a nightmare of you and Daddy separating. Please, don't leave each other."

Draco chuckles and brings both you and your only son closer to him, "We're never going to separate, son. We've gone through everything together and we will continue doing so, only with you here with us, too."

"I love you," Scorpius smiles, looking at you and Draco.

"We love you, too, Scorp."


There's no doubt gonna be a part 2 of this cuz i really enjoyed writing this. Next part won't be small parts tho I'll make a full chapter!

Hope this is what you wanted!

Dear Draco,
I'm like a bottle of Skele-Gro, I can grow you a bone.

i actually made that one myself im proud of it :)

Words: 1k

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