
16.5K 219 193


House: any

Blood status: any

Warnings: Death (sorry oof)

This is gonna be a lil short


3rd Person

"Neville, Nagini's over there!" Y/n yells towards Neville, who is gripping onto the Gryffindor Sword for dear life. He sprints towards the horrid snake that's about to attack another Hufflepuff student. He swings the sword right through Nagini, putting all his might and aim into the swing. Before Nagini could realise it, the snake turns into dust. The Dark Lord on the other side feels a huge sting in his heart. Realisation hits him; he's vulnerable now. 

Y/n's been dreading this day for Merlin knows how long. She knew about the war in advance because she was aware of her boyfriend, Draco's, whereabouts and position with the Dark Lord. Now, she's running through the whole castle trying to find her boyfriend. She lost him while trying to save some first-years from a Death Eater, and now they couldn't find each other. There's fear engulfing them both, worried about each other's whereabouts and if they're alive or not.

"Ms. Y/ln, it's a pleasure seeing you here." Y/n hears from behind her. Antonin Dolohov, one of the Death Eaters, stands in front of her. Y/n draws her wand, ready to fight for her life. "Oh no, yeh don't, missy! Expelliarmus!" Bellatrix disarms Y/n from her wand. Y/n gets surrounded by 4 Death Eaters from each side. She's a fast thinker, she could defend herself, but she couldn't do so now. She's too buy worrying about her and Draco's life to think about anything else right now.

"You're Malfoy's girl, aren't yeh?" Bellatrix says, circling the shaking girl. 

"What's it to you?" Y/n snaps. Bellatrix jumps back, laughing at the girl's attitude.

"No wonder Draco likes you, and no wonder the Dark Lord is asking for you." Bellatrix continues to laugh maniacally. 

"Y/N! LOVE, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Y/n and the Death Eaters hear from the end of the hallway. Bellatrix runs towards Y/n and grabs her hand, ready to apparate to Voldemort. 

"DRACO!" Y/n yells. Draco was about to run towards his girlfriend, but he's too late. Bellatrix apparates away with Y/n right by her side. 

"NO! FUCK! WHERE IS HE?!" Draco already knows what Voldemort wants with her, and he's been trying to avoid them meeting for two years.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Y/n yells, trying to shake her way out of the Death Eaters' grip. Y/n was taken by the Death Eaters onto a hill that leads into the Forbidden Forest from one side and over looks Hogwarts from another side.

"Why, I want to take your life, Ms. Y/l/n–" Voldemort starts.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Draco yells from behind his entrapped girlfriend. "Stupefy!" Draco points his want to the Death Eaters holding Y/n, and they're sent flying away, letting go of the girl. 

Draco runs to Y/n and holds onto her, crying on her shoulder, ignoring the presence of the Dark Lord.

"The girl's a distraction to your missions, boy. I'm not a fool, I know you're planning to run away with her. You're on Potter's side. I expected better from you. You're a traitor, Draco, and it's all because of her. AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort points his wand to Y/n.

"NO!" Draco was about to get in the way of the spell, but he was too late. The spell hits Y/n on the back. Her eyes widen at the sudden hit. Her arms fall weakly from Draco's shoulders and onto her sides. Her body falls backwards, but is saved from the heavy fall on the floor by Draco's arms.

"No, no, no, NO! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He cries. Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother, hears his screams and apparates towards him, while Voldemort apparates into the Forbidden Forest to meet with Harry Potter. She sees her son's girlfriend lifeless in his arms. 

Narcissa learned to love Y/n. They've had their moments together. During the summer, Draco would take Y/n to the Malfoy Manor and Y/n and Narcissa would cook or knit together and have fun with each other. Draco always loved seeing his girlfriend and his mother bonding and he knew that she really was the love of his life, and he knew that he was hers.

Narcissa went down on her knees and covers her mouth with her shaky hand. Y/n was like a daughter to Narcissa, and seeing her limp, lifeless body in her son's arms scared her to death. Tears streamed down her and Draco's faces, their bodies shaking in grief. 

"She's gone, mum, she's gone. Mum, she's gone. She's gone!" Draco sobs and shakes, leaning into his mother. 

Narcissa wraps one arm around her son and her other arm under Y/n's head for support. She runs her fingers through Y/n's hair, memories of her running through both the Malfoy's heads. Narcissa has never seen her son so weak and vulnerable, and she felt horrible for him. 

She was looking forward to Y/n being her daughter-in-law, but I guess vulnerability won't stop the Dark Lord.


Dear Draco,
Wanna Slytherin to bed with me? ;)

Words: 866

𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora