The Lodge of Fallen Leaves

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Jessica and Ashley seemed like they would have been good at putting up a tent but they had made one crucial mistake, their tent was upside down. The two girls had put together the poles and had everything laid out but had no idea what to do next. They waved over Aubrey who pointed out their mistake and then, seeing that the situation was under control went to help Cynthia Rose, Lily and Stacie.

Cynthia Rose had finally gotten married to her long-time girlfriend, Raelynn. They had settles down together in Maine and ran a cafe. Lily was also married. She lived in Washington with her partner DJ Looney who she'd met on the USO tour. No one knew what she now did but she was no longer as shy. She would still come up with the strangest things to say, but not as often any more. Stacie lived in Maine as well and often visited Cynthia Rose and Raelynn. They would often look after her daughter Bella for her while she worked. The three made a good team and Cythia Rose was instructing them on how to put the tent together. Having been in the army for a short time she knew what she was doing.

Last but not least were Beca and Chloe. Chloe had completed vet school with flying colours and opened up her own studio in Atlanta. She had a small apartment nearby and loved what she did. Beca was still working with Theo to produce her own music. She was well known in her industry and good at what she did, but wasn't famous to the outside world. She lived in Atlanta as well but often travelled for her job. Even so, Chloe and Beca often got together. 

Despite their success in their careers, the two girls were absolutely hopeless at putting up a tent. They were in helpless giggles and clearly had no idea what they were doing. Aubrey clapped sharply to get their attention and then instructed them on how to put the tent together.

Eventually everyone was set up and they could begin the activities. 

The first thing they did was the log challenge. They had done it last time but that didn't make them any better at it! While they sang 'Be our Guest' from Beauty and the Beast, they struggled with their challenge. The aim was to get one team to get from one side of a log to the other. However, the remaining Bellas had to stand on the log. Neither team was allowed to fall off so everyone was forced to cling to each other for dear life. 

By the end everyone was breathless and more than ready for a break. Emily was as red as a tomato from laughing so much and the rest of the Bellas didn't look much better. Fortunately, this time around, the retreat wasn't as brutal so everyone sat around with fruit and water, trying to regain their breath (and dignity).

The rest of the day flew by in a blur of activities. By the end everyone was thoroughly worn out! The Bellas showered and then fell into bed, much to tired to stay up and talk.


Chloe woke up to find that it was still dark. Dang it! She turned over to look at Beca who was still fast asleep and snoring gently. Chloe smiled, she was so cute! 

"Night Becs." She whispered before closing her eyes and nodding off to sleep.


Beca woke to the beautiful smell of bacon and eggs. She kept her eyes closed and savoured the sent, wondering what she should do. A cooked breakfast was one of the best things in the world but so was sleeping in!

The decision was soon made for her however by Chloe hitting her in the face with a pillow.

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bacey!"

"Mmmmm, Chloeeeeeee. Not yet!!!"

"Come on sloth, time to get up! Today's gonna be great! I can feel it already!"

"Just a bit longer?" Beca whined.

"No way, we've got a big day and we aren't gonna get any breakfast at this rate!"


Beca rolled over and opened her eyes, greeted immediately by a frowning Chloe with bed hair. Beca smiled, she was so sweet and caring, she was pretty sure she wouldn't have enjoyed being a Bella half as much if bubbly, happy Chloe wasn't one.

When they had first met at the activities fair, Beca had thought she had seemed weird and acapella was seemed such a nerdy club to join. She hadn't even considered auditioning. But then Chloe had seen her naked and there are some things you kind of have to do after that experience. Since then Chloe had continued invading her personal space and giving her spontaneous hugs until their friendship was sealed. Now they laughed and joked with each other and had become really close.

Beca groaned and got up. 

The girls stumbled out of the tent to see Aubrey making breakfast on an open fire. Amy was beside her, scoffing the bacon as fast as it was being made. Beca swiped a bit off her plate and inhaled it before Fat Amy had even realised what had happened. Chloe laughed and all three girls looked at her questioningly. Chloe shook her head at them.


"Sure sure," countered Beca sarcastically before giving her a wink.

The rest of the girls got up soon after that, guided by the smells of a wonderful cooked breakfast. Aubrey really was a great cook, and Beca was willing to tolerate this week if this kind of food was what was on offer all week!

Author's Note

Hi there! Thank you so much to those who have read my story so far. It means so much that people bother to read it! I'll keep writing and hopefully more people will read! Also feel free to comment or message me with what you think, I'd love some feedback!

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