"Are we like... not even gonna mention what just happened?" I offered, sitting up regularly on the couch. 

She smiled, and didn't say anything for a moment. "What is it you'd like me to say?" 

"I...I don't know. Was I... okay, I guess?" 

Funny how I wanted to talk about it, and then when she acknowledged me I went back to being nervous again. You're so lame, I scolded myself. 

"Hmmm..." She scratched her shin in an exaggerated fashion. "On a scale of one to ten...?" 

I playfully punched her thigh. "You're such an asshole..." 

She started laughing. "I'm kidding, of course. It was wonderful." She leaned over and kissed my cheek.  

"But you really need to take a shower and get ready, okay?" 

I groaned. "I suppose that's the best I'm gonna get, huh?" 

It did mean something though, to hear her say it was wonderful. That was all I'd really wanted, some sort of affirmation that I hadn't been dreaming and it had really happened. 

"I love you. How about that?" 

It made sense to say something like that in this situation, but I wasn't expecting it and it caught me off guard. She was ALWAYS catching me off guard. 

I probably blushed, cause I felt my cheeks grow warm. "I love you too." 

She started to brush her hair, and I got up to go into the bathroom to shower. I had nearly made it to the hallway when she stopped me. 

"Now hold on just a minute, you can't just walk away in your underwear and not announce you're leaving so I can admire the view. I barely got to see any of that, that's not fair!" She complained. It was adorable. 

I pressed my lips together and shook my head at her. "So what, you want me to do it again or something?" 

She grinned. "You know me so well. Although it's not so much a request as it is an order." 

I pointed my finger at her. "Now listen, you're not in uniform right now so I feel like you're abusing the whole 'drill sergeant' thing." 

She cocked her head and raised her eyebrows at me. "And I think SOMEONE is getting a little comfortable..." 

I shook my head and walked back to the couch. "Permission to walk to the bathroom?" I asked, sarcastically. 

She brightened. "Permission granted. Just walk slow, and don't look back at me." 

I made my way back to the hallway, smiling and shaking my head all the way. 

She wolf whistled at me before I turned the corner, and I couldn't help but laugh once I was out of sight.


After I took my shower I called Sanders, and thankfully her grandparents were able to come back to pick me up. Obviously, Devonne couldn't walk me out, but we kissed and I said goodbye before I opened the door and got in the car with Sanders. 

It was mostly a quiet ride back, although Sanders made more than one attempt to get me to tell her about what had happened. I wasn't sure if I'd even tell her EXACTLY what happened, but the more I thought about it, the more my resolve grew to not tell her. C'mon, she didn't need to know that. That was between me and Devonne. If she implied it, there wasn't a lot I could do, but I definitely wasn't going to say any details. 

When we made it back to the base, I couldn't help but feel depressed. It had been so nice to spend time with her in her house, away from all this military scene. I started to realize, that was most likely the first and last time I'd ever see her like that again. After tomorrow... who knew what would happen? 

Drill Sergeant LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now