"What do you mean by that?" 

"Like... she's going to be an absolute mess. But I will try my best to comfort her." 

Why did this all of a sudden sound like Heather wasn't upset at what I said? I prayed I was just being paranoid. 

"You don't have to do that. I appreciate the kind thought, though." I replied. 

"And let her be miserable? She doesn't deserve that, Selena." 

"I'll fix it, is what I'm saying..." 

"And just how are you gonna do that? She just told me she doesn't even know how she's going to face you tomorrow, knowing what you said to her tonight!" 

Wow. Had she really said that? 

"Seriously? She said that?" I was beginning to feel increasingly more shitty about my decision. 

"That's putting it lightly." 

I had no response to this. I mean yeah, Devonne sounded like she was pretty damn pissed at me, but enough to say all that? She was overreacting, right? What I said wasn't that bad... 

"Look, Selena. I gave you the benefit of a doubt when Dev first told me about you. You sounded like a really sweet girl, and I admired that you helped Dev so much with coming to terms with who she was..." 

"Why does it sound like there's a 'but' coming?" 

"You were all she would ever talk about when we'd meet up at the bar. So I said, hey, maybe I can help her out. When she first told me you guys had separated I told her it didn't seem like the right choice. She was too down ever since she did that, and was a buzz kill when all she'd ever talk about is how much she missed talking to you. So I said to give you another chance then. She said she'd have to come up with a good plan - which was what she did tonight, by the way - before she could do it. 

So she does finally, and you reject her. I don't get you." Heather finished her long lecture. 

"I didn't reject her..." I said, defensively. "I just told her we're going to have to go our separate ways when I graduate anyway, so is it really worth it..." 

"So you obviously don't love her then." 

It seemed like she was putting words in my mouth. It was kind of annoying. She'd seemed so caring in the texts she sent me. But now... I didn't know what to think of her. 

"I do love her. Which is why I don't want to hurt her when I leave...?" It sounded more like I was questioning myself than telling someone else. 

I heard her chuckle. "So instead you tell her the fact she loves you doesn't matter, hurting her a hundred times more. I see your logic." 

Okay, seriously... Heather was starting to get on my nerves. 

"Look, if you called me just to yell at me, I've had enough of that tonight, okay? So is that all?"  

"It was cute at first. Devonne having a crush on one of her little soldiers. When she first told me about it, my first thought was that it was a dead end road, but I'd support her regardless. I liked her, so that was the least I could do for her. 

But you've clearly failed her. You're young and immature. She's not. I'm not. I think it's about time someone gave her the love she deserves, don't you?" 

Okay, now I was furious. So this whole fucking thing was just an act? Play nice with Selena to look good to Devonne? Pretend to help me get closer to Devonne, hoping I'd screw up eventually? 

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