chapter 3

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a/n still before the prologue

6 years ago

Life never gets easier.  Every obstacle doesn’t have its free pass to overcome it easily. Here I am, reading a script for the next series I’ll be on.

I heard a knocking from my door’s trailer and said “Come in.”

“Ms. Rice, you’re ordered froyo is here.” I heard a weirdly chipmunk voice said.

“But I didn’t...” I didn’t get to finish when I looked up and saw my boyfriend of 2 years at the door holding a paper bag with my favorite brand of froyo.

“Hey babe.” He said as he enter my trailer and kiss my forehead.

“What are you doing here?” I ask as he place down the paper bag at the table beside me.

“Can’t I visit you?” Sean asked with his puppy eyes.

Yes, Sean and I are dating since my 16th birthday that me and my family with him and Tahani celebrated at Hawaii.  I replied him with a smile, reaching my eyes and giggled.

As I continue to read the script, I heard the shuffling sounds from the paper bag and clanging of metal. I didn’t pay attention and continue reading, but as I feel a heavy cold metal touch my wrist.

“WHAT THE HECK SEAN!?” I shouted and looked up at him while he just laughed.

“I ask your manager, which is your mom to have you for at least a day.” Sean replied as he also cuffed himself.

“You’re under arrest Kaycee Rice.” He said.

“Under what circumstances, officer?” I asked flirtatiously as I feel a rush to my face.

“St-Stop that, I’m supposed to be in charge.” He said and chuckled with a blush. How cute. He cleared his throat and said.

“As I was saying, you’re under arrest for not spending enough time with your dashingly handsome, amazingly cute...” I giggled and cut him off with a sweet kiss on his lips. He quickly response back with a sweet and longing one.

I pulled away and softly said while caressing his cheeks  “You talk too much.”

We are currently in Sean’s car. I’m still handcuffed to Sean’s wrist while he drives.

“Shamu…” I said.

“Angel…?” He replied.

“Will you please take this off already?!” I said as I pointed out the handcuff.

“As soon as we get there.” He chuckled.

“Where do you get these stuff? Are you secretly Christian Grey? First the blindfold then now the hand cuffs!?” I rambled. He chuckled and replied with a no.  

I gasped loudly as I see the familiar way to the best place in the world.

“THANK YOU THANK YOU THANKYOUUUUU” I excitedly said while I sweetly kiss his cheek.

“Anything for you, Angel.” He said with heartfelt laugh. 

As we arrived at Disney, Sean removes the handcuffs from our wrist and immediately laces his fingers with mine.

“I’m not going anywhere Sean.” I giggled as I squeezed his hand.

“I know I just miss you so much, you’ve been so busy and I know you’re stress.” He said as he kiss my knuckles and tuck a stray hair behind my hair.

“Thanks bubs. Sorry for not being there.” I softly replied as I tip my toes and kiss his nose.

We went on a bunch of rides, like Splash Mountain, Idiana Jones, and our favorite the Incredicoaster. As we walk around the park, Sean drag me to the churro stand and bought two.

“Shamu? Can I get a Dole Whip? Please please pleeeaaaaseee.” I begged him with a pout and puppy eyes. I know that it has long lines but trust me it’s worth it.

“Ok.. geez...” He replied with a chuckle.

Finally! It’s so hot, I deserve this. I ate a spoonful of the ice cream. I can’t help but moan as the flavors touch my taste buds. It’s so good. I heard Sean laughed, while he wiped the edge of lips with a tissue.

“Ank you.” I giggled. As we devour our treats, we sat and chat about how’s life so far.

“Hey kayc?” I hummed a response.

“I gotta tell you something.” He said.

“What is it?” I asked.

“The Star Records asked me to sign a contract.” Sean said.

“OMGGG SEAAAANNNN.” I jump to his lap, hug him and he returned it. I don’t care if people weirdly look at us. This is an amazing opportunity for Sean.

“I’m so proud of you.” I said as I kiss the tip of his nose. He chuckled pull away with his hands still on my waist and back.

“Listen Kayc, the contract is about a tour in about the next 6 months in London with Tate. They want me to collaborate with her.” He said with a bit of sadness.

“I don’t want to miss your movie premier.” He softly said with his right hand caresses my cheek with his eyes on the concrete path.

“Sean…”  I said while lifting his chin to meet my gaze.

“You listen to me. I don’t care if you miss one, just one movie premier. I’m not gonna let you lose this huge opportunity because of a movie premier. Please do it for me Shamu, make me proud.” I smiled, and kiss his lips. I was about to pulled away, but he deepens it and I sighed in content.  

It’s almost time for the fireworks, all day was super fun. We finally found a spot to watch it. As we sit and wait, I rest my head on Sean’s shoulder with his arm wrapped my side to steady us, while hugging the stuffed Stitch he bought me.

“Thanks Sean for everything.” I said almost like a whisper.

He kisses my head and said “Anything for you Kayc, I’ll literally do anything and give everything for you.” I was about to replied him when I heard the loud pops of gunpowder and see bright colors light the dark sky.

Sean suddenly stands and holds both of my hands encouraging me to stand as well.

“Bubs…?” I asked. I gasped when he was down on one knee and fishing out something in his pocket.

“Kaycee… this is not a proposal.” He said and I giggled with tears forming in my eyes.

“This is a promise ring. I promise to be here for you. I promise to spoil you. I promise to take care of you. I promise to keep your light on. I promise that everything about you is the reason why I love you. I promise to adore you. Above all, I promise to love you, any version of you……” I didn’t let him continue.

I pulled him up and kiss him with everything I feel. If only breathing is not that important we wouldn’t stop.

As we pulled away, he puts the ring on my left ring finger.

“I love you Sean.” I said as I hugged him.

“I love you more my Angel.” He replied, while returning the hugged and squeezing me closer.

a/n chapter 1 upto chapter 5 is before the prologue. If you’re confuse with their age, Kaycee is 15 while Sean’s 16 in chapter 1.  In this chapter they’re both 17 and 18.  

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