Lauren closened their distance again and placed her hand on top of hers. "It's not your fault. This is exactly why I wanted you to be in that video, I wanted to see the fans' reactions," she explained in a small voice. "But I guess having them care so much about it just made everything more real, and... it just got overwhelming."

She's really underestimated the reaction this was gonna get. She was barely even used to having the Y/E/C-eyed girl around again, which by the way still sounds like a crazy dream. And now with everyone screaming about it, it's just bursting the little bubble she's creating around them. She can't pretend that this is nothing anymore, not that she wanted to, but admittedly, she was kinda in a state of denial. Denial that this is the reality. 

"Are you okay now though?" Y/N asked carefully.

Lauren nodded her head shyly before leaning forward to wrap her arms around her again. They somehow went from sitting on the bed to kinda lying down in a cuddling position. The raven-haired girl had one leg swung over Y/N's thighs as they were lying there face to face. 

Y/N placed a hand on Lauren's cheek and gently caressed her cheek. She shuffled closer to press a lingering kiss on her forehead. "I don't think you should still use me for your music video," she whispered. 

"Why?" Lauren asked with not much reaction whatsoever. She just cuddled deeper into her side, pulling herself closer to her. 

"I-I mean... I don't want you to get even more hate or anything. And like, really, there'll be no hard feelings," Y/N stammered out nervously. 

The raven-haired girl shifted back a little to look up at her before pressing a small kiss against her lips and then she just went back to her previous position. "You don't even know what the song is about. What if it's a song about friendship." 

"Lauren, you asked Christian to star in your music video so that you guys can come out to the public with your relationship. In what world would you use a song about friendship for that," the older girl deadpanned. 

"Okay, okay," Lauren gave in with an eye roll. "But I'm not gonna use someone else now just because some fans are reacting negatively."

Y/N went to cradle the younger girl's face in her hands, which forced her to lock eyes with her again instead of just hiding away. "Are you sure?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah," Lauren breathed out. 

The Y/E/C-eyed girl gave her a lopsided grin before connecting their lips once again. 

Honestly, having the fans react the way they did, did make her feel scared. Though it helps that the majority seemed to be happy for her and even started shipping them. Filming this music video together was her only excuse to keep seeing the Y/E/C-eyed girl now, she's not even sure if they'll keep in contact after this thing is done, so she can't just let this chance go. 

They continued lying there, all cuddled up and stealing kisses until...

"Okay, I don't hear any sounds inside. What's happening right now?"

"Maybe they fell asleep?"

"Or maybe they're-- Never mind, I don't wanna get that scene imprinted in my brain right now."

"Should we just go in?"

"What if they're naked though?"

"Jeez, get your mind of the gutter."

"Hey, you'll never know."

Both Lauren and Y/N shifted their attention from the whispers on the other side of the door back to each other. They chuckled to themselves before the raven-haired girl propped herself up on her bed. "We can hear you rats talking outside," she called out loudly.

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