|2| Doctor

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A tall man walked along a white corridor. Following him was a stout nurse who was pushing a cart that had a silver tray on it.

The doctor had a clipboard tucked under his arm, and walked rather quickly to a certain "room 51".

Everything about the hospital seemed so unnatural. How the walls were a bright white, and the floor tiles shined as if they had just been mopped. The way everything oved in perfectly synchronized movements, how everything was parallel and even.

It was rather unsettling. But of course it's perfect. That's all humans want things to be. Perfect. Even. In sync.

They stopped at the designated room, and the nurse pushed the door open, letting them both in. Doctor gave the patient what seemed to be a fake smile, and then filled a small syringe with medicine.
Then he injected the patient and left, leaving the nurse to attend to the patient's other needs.

He went along his rounds, walking around the symmetrical hospital, talking to patients and nurses. Doctor walked up and down flights of stairs, checking on patients, and receiving reports from colleagues. The day was pretty calm, with there only being about 3 emergencies, but nothing too serious. The day came to an end, and a few hours after the moon rose, Doctor left the hospital.

The next morning it was heavily raining outside. There had been a reported flood near his area, heavy.

What happened next was only predictable. He was involved in a fatal car accident, of course. Can humans be any more cliche? Apparently they can. They can be a lot more cliche than this.

Are you running out of time?

(276 words)

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