Breakfast Chaos

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 Nico's POV

"Noooooooooooooo!" Screamed Nico, stopping himself from tearing his hair out. "I have Herbology first!"

"What's so bad about today?" Ron asked, looking at the schedule. "I'm guessing you have the same schedule as us? We're still with the Slytherins in care of magical creatures, and we have double divination and... History of Magic! I take back what I said earlier, today sucks! But what's so bad about herbology?"

"My stepmother dislikes me and she is very skilled with plants," Nico muttered, not interested in explaining his complicated family. "She has turned me into plants on multiple occasions- daisies are her personal favourite."

He continued ranting on about his war with plants as they went down to meet the girls for breakfast and the first day of school.

Harry's POV

"We have herbology today," Calypso said happily. "It is my area of expertise- though sadly, Nico here can't say the same."

"Too right," The boy grouched, and Calypso laughed, ruffling his hair. Nico has Calypso wrapped around his little finger, Harry realised. No idea how, but it doesn't sound good. Surely Artemis has the mental strength to withstand his tricks.

"Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger," Artemis nodded her silver eyes, and Harry shuddered- yes, she was unbelievably beautiful, but he got the idea that the girl hid unimaginable power, and that she would blow up anyone who dared to make a move on her.

"We will go to breakfast ourselves, if you will allow us," Artemis said formally. Bewildered, the Golden Trio began walking again.

"Honestly, they just get weirder and weirder," Ron said tiredly as they traipsed down the stairs. "Their actions aren't really helping them to prove their innocence. Every clue we have points to them being Death Eaters!"

"As much as I hate to agree with you when we do not have concrete proof, Ronald, it does seem like an option," Hermione sighed. "Now, I'm going to the library after breakfast, so let's walk quicker and go over the facts that are in the transfers' favour."

"There are none!" Ron said. "Hermione, how blind are you? Every fact we know points to them being supporters of You-Know-Who! How do you know they aren't Death Eaters?"

"How do you know they are?" Harry asked. "I'm not a huge fan of the transfers, but remember Sirius and how we were so certain he was a criminal- but it turned out he wasn't? We need to think this through rationally."

"Rational. I'm not sure if the word is in Ronald's vocabulary," Hermione said, and Ron turned purple.

"You're only mad because you think Nico looks good," He stabbed, and Harry wanted to slap his best friend. The only word for that was 'stupid'.

"Okay, okay, stop. Let's just stop and think. One point is that Nico didn't do anything in the forest, back at the Quidditch Cup," Harry suggested. "And the fact that Calypso was swearing a short-sleeve today, and she didn't have a dark mark. Dumbledore clearly trusts them, and he's difficult to trick."

"There are other points, but Harry's covered some of them. You didn't seem that scornful when both Artemis and Calypso decided to sit next to you last night," Hermione said scornfully, and Harry walked faster. Lessons couldn't start fast enough.

Nico's POV

"Hello again," Artemis nodded as they sat down at the Gryffindor table. "After breakfast is over, would you be kind enough to lead us to Herbology?"

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