"Right away, Dr. Gearloose!" Fenton nervously hurried.

"Don't make it too strong! Those grinds are made for Cortadito and Cafecito!" I called to Fenton.

"You got it!" He called back.

I hummed for a moment, before turning back to Dr. Gearloose. He was working on a large, metal contraption. It was encased in a large, glass box, and was next to the eye washing station and the emergency shower.

I walked over to get a better look at it, before he screeched.

"Don't go over there!" He shouted, ushering me away from there. "That's pure Dimethylnitrosamine! It's extremely toxic!"

I looked at him, eyebrows raised. Where have I heard that before? "What do you need rocket fuel for?"

He looked at me in shock. "I said dimethylnitrosamine, not Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine! How do you even know what that is?"

I shrugged. "Weird family. Are you building a rocket?"

"No," He sneered, putting on a gas mask. "I don't build rockets anymore. This project is highly classified."

I noticed Baby Bulb climb onto Gyro's shoulder, buzzing in what I guess is Morse Code. I don't know Morse Code though. So I gave him a small wave.

"What are you..?" Gyro asked, before looking at the robot. "Oh," He picked him up, and held him out a bit. "This is-"

"Baby Bulb," I smiled, holding a hand out. He hopped into my hand, before climbing onto my shoulder.

"...Baby Bulb? No, his name is Lil' Bulb," He enunciated.

I looked at Gyro, before turning back to Lil' Bulb. "Eh, I'm still calling him Baby Bulb."

Gyro glared, before sighing, clearly frustrated. "Don't touch anything," He ordered, before entering the containment and working on his mysterious project.

"You really riled him up, Marí," Fenton commented, coming up next to me.

I shrugged. "He'll be fine. He should get his blood pressure checked, though."


I stumbled down the stairs into the foyer, excitedly, before tripping at the bottom. Duckworth walked next to me, before picking me up by my shirt and setting me down gently.

"Do be careful, young Marina. You wouldn't want to hurt yourself," He told me, raising an eyebrow.

"They're back, they're back!" I cheered, dancing and hopping around excitedly. "I saw the- The..." I paused, "Cloudslayer," I carefully enunciated the word, "Land from my window!"

Before Duckworth could answer, the door burst open, and in came Unca Scrooge, followed by Mama and Unca Donald, who seemed to be stuck in a giant ice cube. Nothing out of the normal.

"Mama! Unca Donald! Unca Scrooge!" I cheered, before running up to hug Mama.

"Hey, honey," She greeted, returning the hug.

"Hello, Lass," Scrooge greeted, before beginning to sort through the treasure.

"What happen' to Unca Donald?" I asked, pointing up to him. He groaned.

"It's the same stuff that always happens," He answered, before DuckWorth arrived to help him out of the ice cube.

Mama took my hand, and led me upstairs. "Come on, my little duckling. I wanna show you something."

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