chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Mufasa, Nala and Simba from The Lion King, right?" I guess crossing my hands over my chest.

"Correct!" Xiaojun smiles. I shake my head. "Let's go. Jian is waiting."

Xiaojun slides his hands onto mines. I stand still. Still like a pole. Why is holding my hand? Why am I shock that he's holding my hands? Without me even knowing. I hear Jian. That's when I realize, I'm already at the staircase.

"Awweee! Mommy and daddy are holding hands!" Jian teases which makes me feel shy.

I quickly release my hands from holding his. I rush down the stairs to Jian.

"Shhh...." I shyly say.

"Let's go. Are you both ready?" Xiaojun asks from behind.

"Aren't you scared that people are gonna find out about us?" I ask.

"No. Don't worry. I already have everything planned." Xiaojun smiles again.

I wonder what he have in mind.

Hendery's POV

I hesitate to call Chunhua. I really want to hangout with her today. I don't know if I should call her or not. I want to hangout with her, I also don't want to call her. I don't like this feeling of my heart beating fast, my stomach dropping because I don't know what I want.

If I want to make a move, I have to make a move. I can't keep quiet like this. Do I really want to make a move? Why am I hesitating so much? You know what, I'm going to call her. I'm going to ask her to hangout with me. I'm going to do it.

I dial her number and patiently wait. How can I wait when my heart is beating crazily fast. Maybe I should hang up the call. Before I could she answers.

"Hello?" Chunhua answers.

"Oh! I-I didn't think you were gonna answer." I say

"Huh?" Chunhua questions.

"Sorry. Ignore that." I say then clear my throat. "I-I-I was wondering if y-you.... I-if you want... wa-want to.... h-hang out!"

Chunhua laughs on the other side. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her. She's going to reject me. I feel like my hopes are dropping down because of how the way I asked her. I stuttered in the sentence. What kind of girl would want a guy who stutters just to ask them out?

"I-I mean you don't have to if you're busy. I was just wondering." I back out.

"No. I'm not doing anything today. We can hangout if you want. Text me the address." Chunhua says which surprises me.

Why is there already a smile on my face? Why does she make me this happy? I don't have regrets now, after hearing her acceptance. I'm going to make the best of this.

"Okay! I will text you the address." I excitedly say.

"Umm... see you." Chunhua says.

"You too." I say then hang up the call.

I quietly cheer for myself. Chunhua is going to hangout with me. She agreed to hangout with me. Wow.... I finally made a move. Now that it's happening, I'm going to make sure that I look decent enough. I'm happy. Very happy. Going to be smiling from now on.

Xiaojun's POV

Arriving to the mall. I'm holding Jian's hands while Jialia is walking in front of Jian and I. Making sure that no one notices me, I'm wearing a black cap and my black sunglasses. I also decided to give myself a unibrow. I think that's one of the reasons why Jialia is walking ahead of Jian and I. I drew the unibrow because weishen can figure me out just by my eyebrows. I also contoured my nose.

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