Chapter 7

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Trigger warning, scenes of violence, not too graphic. If easily triggered, please do not read!


This can't be happening. No. Everything was going so good.

"What's the matter Lewis." He snarls pulling my hair back and banging my head against the wall again.

"What's the matter slut, not so disobedient now are you." I whimper out loud. No ones here to stop him. I know for a fact he won't stop until I'm passed out, he's done it before. His face becomes blurry as tears fills my eyes. He slaps me across the face, leaving a vibrant red handprint.

"What the fuck are you doing?" An alpha booms. I look over to my right to see Zayn with his fists clenching and unclenching by his sides.

"Nothing mate. Mind your own business he's mine." He chuckles darkly at him grasping my jaw in a tight grip. I whimper loudly as his grip tightens.

"I suggest you move away from him." Zayn snarls taking a step closer. He moves away slightly, leaving me enough room to escape him and the wall.

"Louis come here." Zayn says softly but firmly not breaking eye contact from my so call fathers. I move quickly to Zayn but a hand grips me pulling me back.

"Let him go." Zayn shouts using his alpha voice making me cower and bow my head in a sign of submission.

"No." My dad snarls, bringing his fist back and aiming for Zayn's face. Zayn dodges the hand and swings his own back punching him straight in the face, as I scurry away to hide behind Zayn. He screams out in pain as he falls to the floor. He looks up at me, icy blue eyes burning holes through my face under his deathly glare.

"This isn't the end Lewis. I will be back. Maybe not today or tomorrow but I will be back and you better be prepared." He snarls spitting at my feet.

Zayn leans down until he's directly hovering above his face.

"You stay the fuck away from him. Don't ever fucking touch him again, you understand? You ever come near him again, I will kill you and trust me, I won't be the only one doing so." He grabs him by the shoulders and shoves him harder into the ground.

He turns back and puts a supportive arm around my waist as we start walking back to the food court, leaving my dad behind. He abruptly stops and examines me for further injuries.

"Lou, bloody hell are you okay? Who was that man?"

"I'm f-fine. H-h-he's m-" I break out in to a sob. The Bradford boy pulls me in to a gentle hug.

"It's okay Lou, he's not going to hurt you anymore." He murmurs comfortingly. But I know he's wrong. He will come back. I know him all to well for him to just let this slide.
"Who was he?" He repeats.

"He's my dad." I croak out. Why do I have to sound so pathetic. I wish I could stand up for myself. But no. I always need someone to look after me. I hear his sharp intake of breathe but I look down to the floor and close my eyes. One of my secrets has just been exposed. I expect him to leave laughing, but all he does is move his arm more firmly around my waist and leads me forward to Niall.

"He's never going to hurt you again, I hope you know that right? Plus I think when Harry finds out, he will hunt him down and kill him." I look up at him with wide eyes but nod my head mutely. That's not going to happen. My dad has connections to all types of people, mostly bad.

We reach the table seeing Niall now eating a mcflurry. He looks up from where he's texting on his phone and gasps audibly.

"What happened?!" He sounds exasperated, mcflurry long forgotten.

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