Chapter 18

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Trigger warning for mentions of blood, anorexia, self harm and violence are all mentioned in this chapter. If easily triggered please do not read!

Because of all the lovely comments you guys have left about chapter 18 on ao3 and on here, I have decided not to change it and leave it like it is. :)

So here's an update for you guys and I hope you like it.

Anyways, Enjoy! :) X


Harry's POV:

"So now that that's sorted, are we going to take Harry with us?" I hear Zayn mumble quietly to Liam, causing me to give them a hard glare.

"Of course I'm fucking coming with you. I'm getting my Louis back and none of you are stopping me now that I know where he is." I state firmly. The pair are about to respond before I abruptly cut them off. Just as Niall and Josh come back into the room, followed by Luke, Ashton and four other boys.

"Wait a minute." I stop and stare at Josh coldly. "Josh why weren't you and Nick watching Louis' dad, like I strictly ordered you to? Actually where even the fuck is Nick now?" I breathe out harshly, causing him to frown at me.

"Nick told me that you said we didn't have to watch him anymore. That you gave us the all clear. And to answer your question thinking about it, I haven't seen Nick for the last two weeks." He stutters nervously.

"What?" I shout loudly, punching the closest thing to me, that happens to be the wall. "Find Nick, wherever the fuck he is. He's obviously a part of this sick plan to hurt Louis and I want him dead. I do not care what any of you say. He will suffer the consequences for being disloyal to the pack and hurting my mate." I grit out, fist clenching again at the anger I am now feeling. I walk out the room without another word and grab the car keys as I make my way outside to my car. I hear commotion behind me. but I ignore it as I speed walk to the drivers side. I open the door but before I can get in, it's shut quickly. I look up and give Zayn a hard stare.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I shout pushing him out the way so I can get in.

"Harry it's not safe for you to drive when you're like this." He responds shoving me out the way as he takes the keys from my hands. "You get in the passenger seat, I'll drive." He says hastily. I give a frustrated groan as I quickly jog over to the other side.

"Zayn just drive to Jason's pack house, they're keeping him down in their basement." Liam mutters as the rest of the boys pile in to the car.

The car ride there is silent, all of us tense and lost in thought. I hope to god nothing else has happened to him or I will kill. Jason, Nick, his dad. They will pay for what they have done. Zayn parks the car out of view in a patch hidden by trees.

"Okay Harry, have you actually got a plan?" Liam asks, making me stare dumbly at him.

"Of course I have, to get Louis back and use force." I stare at him as he shakes his head. "Liam they have him shackled to a pipe, we're going to have to use force. It's in the middle of the day, which means the majority of people are out. He's in the basement we know this. So the plan is just to go straight in and attack, if anyone gets in our way then that's their fault." I hiss, getting out of the car. "If any children get in the way ,I want no harm done to them though okay?" I order. I may be beyond pissed right now, but I will never hurt innocent children.

I stomp my way to the house, ducking under the windows as I hear the others follow silently behind me. I nod my head towards the door. Liam taking the hint as he knocks quickly, before ducking behind me.

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