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I blush at the fact he stands there in a towel, but then I think back to the text.

My hands start to shake as my smile fades quickly. "What's wrong принцесса." "Nothing Boris."  He shakes his head, soon getting fully dressed in silence, I stare at the floor.

I cross my arm not wanting to look down, afraid the tears might fall. "Lies принцесса, what is wrong." He reaches for my hand, I slap it away. Standing up I try to go to the door, he grabs me by my shoulder aggressively.

Turning me around he looks at me in a way where I know he's mad but doesn't wanna scare me. "принцесса, tell me." I shove his phone in his hands.

His eyes go wide as he looks down at it, the tears quickly falling down my cheeks. "принцесса it's not like that. Promise, pinky promise?" "No Boris!" His signature smile fades, the one he makes when he remembers 'pinky promise'.

I shove him aggressively to the point where he falls backwards. He looks up at me angrily, trying not to yell. Knowing it would upset the both of us more.

I grab my things and leave, Theo and Miles quickly following behind me. Miles and Boris decided to let Miles moves in. So they can spend more time together and Miles doesn't like living by himself anyways.

"Y/n what's wrong? What did he do?" "He fucking cheated on me that's what." I wipe the tears away, quickly getting on the bus and sitting down.

Like always we sit in the very back, Miles sits in front of Theo and I.

"Oh..." "Why 'oh', did you know?" Miles looks away.

"Miles?" My voice going soft. "Yeah, I did." "What the fuck Miles, why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't know they were you know, doing that. I thought they were friends. He asked me to cover for him the night you were sick." His voice goes quiet.

"What do you mean cover for him?" I hadn't realized Theo grabbed my hand. "I had to um, act like him. Once he left. When you woke up to the time he got back." Theo squeezes my hand.

"Theo I'm fine." He looks up and then down in his lap. I look up, seeing Boris looking around for me. He spots me and makes his way to us. He sits beside Miles.

"принцесса listen, I'm sorry." "Fuck off Boris." I cross my arms. Miles grips Boris' shoulder.

Besides me he listens to Theo and Miles, not wanting to yell at them either. Not wanting to yell at the people he cares about.

Boris sighs and turns around. I stare out at the window. Wiping the tears that fell down my cheeks.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now