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*Boris' POV
Waking up I admire Y/n's face. My thumb goes over her cheek. Our legs tangled, her arms around my neck. I smile at her beauty.

I don't like her like that though.

No. No love. Only friends.

"I'm cold." She whispers, snuggling closer. "Come close." I pull her closer. My heart rate goes up a bit. I run small circles on her back.

I feel a smile on my neck. I kiss her head and close my eyes, falling asleep once again.

*Your POV when both of you wake up*
I open my eyes, I'm facing the wall. I feel an arm around my waist, holding onto me tightly. Like he's afraid to let go.

My back lays against his stomach, his arm around my waist holds my hand. His fingers interlocked with the back of my hand.

He squeezes me tighter, meaning he's woken up. "Good morning принцесса." He kisses my cheek as he stands up.

I grow cold as his warmth leaves me. Wrapping a blanket around my shoulders I get up, leaving the room. "Ah. Potter no no." He shakes his head, pouring the milk into the cereal. "What?" I scratch my head.

"Nothing. Good afternoon y/n." Theo grins at me. "I still don't believe you Boris." I ignore his statement and sit beside Boris on the couch. My head leaning against his shoulder.

"Let go Potter. Didn't happen." He chuckles at the old cartoons on the tv. "American tv is weird." He smiles. "Fine fine." Theo sits back and watches the tv with us.

I take a sip of my coffee (or whatever you drink in the morning). I go to sit it on the coffee table. Boris snatches it out of my hand, taking a sip of it. "Boris!" I roll my eyes playfully.

Finishing the drink he smiles at me. "It's not different than-" "Shut up Pavlikovsky." I blush remembering the kisses.

My finger runs over my collarbones and neck. The spots his kissed tingled. My lips start to also. "Y/n? Are you okay?" I realize my face heats up a bright red, I bite my lip a bit.

He smirks, most likely knowing what I'm thinking about. "Ah. принцесса, lets go to park before school. Am bored." He smiles softly.

*No ones POV
Finally all three of them get to the park. It's around 6 am. They had fallen asleep around 11 pm the day before.

"Y/n, don't wanna go to school. Skip. Just today. Please?" "No Boris, I'm going." You push his shoulder a bit. "Fine. I'll go too." He says as the three walk through the park.

You wear one of Boris' hoodies since it's the beginning of August (2019), a red t-shirt under it. Black ripped skinny jeans and your black and white checkered vans. "There's the bus guys, we need to go." Theo interrupts the conversation with the tall dark haired boy.

The bus come to a stop and they jump on. The blonde boy and Y/n sit beside each other, the taller boy sitting behind them.

A girl rushes on, seeing the only seat left in the back. Boris smiles, pushing his hair to the side. She smiles back. He pats the seat beside him.

*Your POV
A girl sits beside Boris. "Hello принцесса." He smirks.

That's what he calls me. It's not just my nickname. He can call anyone he wants that.

"Hello милый мальчик, from Russia eh?" I look at Theo. "I'm not sure what they're saying, I've only learned a bit of Russian." He whispers as the two in the back speak full Russian sentences.

I frown, I'm not sure why but I do.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now