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*Boris' POV
We walk in comfortable silence. Finally getting the stuff we want and paying for it, which isn't smart. Why pay for something when you can steal it?

We carry the groceries back to Potters house.

"Friendly kiss..." I mumble. "Huh?" Y/m turns around after putting all of the food away. "Ah nothing принцесса." I smile going to sit on the couch.

Theo has calmed down since earlier. We all sit in the living room talking and watching tv. "No sense!" I argue. Y/n lays against me on the couch. My arms around her.

"That's just law Boris." She giggles. "I'm Russia we drink at 18." "Hold on, Boris you aren't even 18." "Caught me." I do jazz hands which makes y/n smile and chuckle.

I want to kiss her.

Theo took it too far. We both know it.

She didn't pull back.

She's so pretty.

I want her.

I don't like her that way.

Just a friendly kiss.

She lied. No I lied.

It wasn't a friendly kiss. Did she forget about the hickeys?

"Boris? You zoned out for a second." "Huh. Oh. Thinking." "About?" "Nothing important." I ruffle her hair.

I wrap my arms over her chest, close to her collarbones. My thumb goes over the small purple spots I left.

*Your POV
He wrap his arms over my chest, close to my collarbones. His thumb goes over the small purple spots he left. A tingle goes down my spine.

*A month later*
Tomorrow is the first day of school. I haven't been in school in a while. Boris isn't excited, neither am I. Theo is kind of excited.

"Why school, stay home. Skip!" He flails his arms in the air. Something he does to try to get his point across.

"Boris it's illegal not to go. Plus all three of us could get classes together?" Boris smiles at that. "It's illegal to drink and smoke. I still do it." " You got me there, but trust me. You'll be okay." I smile holding a pinky out.

"What's this?" "A pinky promise, you've never heard of it?" "Nah." He shakes his head, looking at my pinky. "It used to be, if you do this and break the promise the other person cuts your pinky off or something." He looks terrified, pulling his arms back.

"No, no. Need pinky. No pinky promise." He waves his hands. "Let me finish. Now if you break the promise it doesn't happen. It just hurts the other ones feelings I guess." I shrug, cleaning up the room while Boris it's on the bed.

"Ah. Pinky promise. Nice." "Okay so I pinky promise you'll have. A good day." I hold my pinky out one last time. He hesitates and thinks, soon looping his with mine.

"Promise." He whispers looking down at his pinky.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now