First birthday

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It had officially been exactly one year since you had Asher and Alnov. You couldn't believe how fast the time went. At the moment Antok was laying on the living room floor and letting your children climb on him while you got their surprise ready. You were making them a smash cake. It wasn't the best looking, but it would do. 

"It's ready!" You called once you put the cake on the table.

Antok heard you and scooped your children up in his arms, making them giggle. You opened the camera app on your phone. Since the kitchen table was so big both Alnov and Asher could fit on it. As soon as Antok placed them in front of the cake you pressed the record button. 

"Wha dat?" Alnov asked you as she pointed to the cake.

"That's your cake. It's for eating." You told her.

Asher was the first one who took a handful of the cake and ate it. When Alnov saw her brother take a bite she decided to try it. She used both of her hands to grab a piece right out of the side before messily eating it.

"They will need a bath after this, you know." Antok told you.

"I know. But at least they're enjoying themselves." You said as you watched your children make a huge mess as they ate their cake.

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