The Seven Deadly Sins

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"Alright here you go! thanks for waiting drink up!"a female voice said as young (h/c) put down whole five bottle of mugs as she grabbed four empty mugs away

"For such an young lady she's hard working waitress" the young female looked over at the male and spoke "oh I'm not the waiter buddy I'm the owner of this place"she walked away putting the four empty mugs away

"Huh she's the owner an young lady like that?"

"Alright fresh from the oven its the meat pie that made the boar hat famous"she placed down the meat pie down on the table "it looks great"the customer said as they grabbed fork and grabbed piece of the pie with their fork "let's eat some pie"thats when they chew down the pie

But they then throw up out of their mouth of the disgusting taste of the pie as the young female spoke "you shouldn't know our reputation for having good booze but the food not good"thats when they shouted together "you should've mention that!"that's when they began to ready to beat the young female

"Are messing with us you punk!"that's when one of the customers spotted "hold it this women is packing a sword!"

"Well guys looks like we got a problem now let's fix it"she snapped her fingers that's when walking footsteps is heard as a sighed was let out from an pig as the pig spoke "come on you called that a mess really what you need me for"

"Wait that pig hes talking to us guys"the male said

"Yeah yeah I'm talking pig jeez what a bunch hillbillies"

That's when the young (h/c) spoke "hawk we need to get this clean up" hawk let out sighed "fine I'll clean It up quick"he then begans to eat scraps having the floor to be sparkly clean

"Next time there better be decent scraps around here"hawk said as he was gonna walked away but the young female told the three males "if you guys like I would cook up family secret of roasted pigs"

Hawk turn with nervous sweat "I'm so full that was the best scraps I ever had"he said with smile not wanted to be cooked up

That's when an male came in the tavern breathing heavily from running as he spoke "I saw it"he sat down with mug that had ale in it as one customer spoke of the story of the rust armor is involved of the seven deadly sins to make the kids behaved

The (h/c) stopped from what she was doing and spoke "the seven deadly sins?"that's when the customer spoke "oh you haven't of them huh young tavern owner"he begans to explain of the seven deadly sins

But the young female just pour other booze in the mug and give it to other customer smiling as she cross her arms after explaining it as one customers tells that they could still be alive after all of these years then tension is filled in the air

That's when an nervous laugh broke the silence and the customer makes an joke of the blood rusted armor having everyone to laugh

A sound of rusted armor is heard outside as the customers stayed quiet and the noises got louder and closer as hawk sniff and spoke "smells like rust to me"

The door of the tavern place is open as came in an person in armor as they spoke ""the customers shot out of their seats shouting "ITS HERE!"they began to run away out of the tavern

Hawk shivered in scared as the young (h/c) female jumped over the counter as her hands is on her hips, her eyes narrowed and hands on her hips "now who are you?"she question

The armor person just stood there for moment and began to fall back and fallen on the ground from exhausted the helmet came off revealing an young male with blonde hair

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