Deadly Sins, Unite!!

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Y/n and the others sins were at the old castle of liones of where they were framed at as the whole kingdom was covered by fog, having it a hard time to see the town below.

She could hear the bell ringing in the distance as she sat on the railing of the roof, gazing over with a blank look on her face. "What a blast from the past. I could be wrong here, but isn't this the old castle where we were framed for the murder of the grandmaster?"

"Merlin, what gives? Why would you bring us out here to a place like this? Something tells me it's not for the view." Ban said towards the Boar sin as he looked over at his comrade, who looked at them with a grin on her lips.

"The kings vision. You do remember it, I assume?" The mage looked away with her eyes closed."This morning, his majesty saw that same vision once again." The sins looked over at the raven haired woman.

"The moon shimmering at midday, the low-hanging fog. When its haze fills the kingdom, atop the peak of that fateful castle, the one that made us traitors to the kingdom, like a mirage another moon will appear and the seven deadly sins..."

Y/n looked up to see a black circle in the air, having her to stare at it with a raised eyebrow. "Hey, I feel like I've seen this before somewhere." She tilted her head.

Merlin spread her arms out. "Will all gather once again."

That's when the (h/c) haired woman sees a large figure coming through the black circle and crashes down upon the dragon sin, causing the ground to rumble, debris falling from the tower.

There laid diane who let out a giggle, smiling as king groans, laying on the giant's leg with no shirt on and only had a helmet on his head as the sins looked at king and diane.

Ban looked annoyed as escanor seemed shocked while merlin and gowther didn't seem fazed by it.

"Hey, there. Long time no see." King chuckled nervously, rubbing his head behind as he looked at his comrades, Merlin smiled,"Are the two of you safe and sound?" She asked.

Diane nodded with a smile. "Where in the hell did you come from, anyway?" Ban asked the two sins.

"Miss diane, king, are you both all right?"

The giant smiled happily, wiping the tears of happiness of finally seeing her comrades again. "I'm so happy to see you all again! I... I missed you." She frown, remembering y/n as she closed her eyes "if only the captain were still alive to join us."

"I am alive." A muffled voice said underneath the giant who opened her eyes in surprised "Huh?"

"Just barely, right under your butt." She said, her voice still muffled, causing diane to look over and squeal, turning as she gets off y/n, who popped her head out of the debris with a blank expression on her face.

"Huh?" King said in disbelief and confusion.

"I've been waiting so long for this. The moment when you've finally gathered once again. The Seven deadly-" bartra who is in the shadows was interrupted by diane screaming in fear even king shrieked out in panic, holding into diane "king, looking. It's the ghost of the captain!"

"Whoospie-daisy." Y/n grunts, getting herself out of the pile of rocks, wiping off any dust off her outfit as ban snickered, grinning "in what world would a ghost be such a (tiny/tall) runt like that?" He teased as escanor nodded."Mr. Ban is right. That's the bona fide captain in the flesh."

"Um, are you listening?" Bartra asked, his hand twitching as he tried to get the sins' attention but failed to.

Y/n grinned, wiping more dust off her. "Well, long story short, lots of stuff happened, and then I came back." She shrugged with a carefree smile on her face.

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