The Legends, Provoked

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"Hey, Ban," Y/n called, catching the attention of the tall male. "Did you have an extra one of those outfits?" Ban turned while holding the barrels.

"Nah, I picked this one up on the way to the village," he said with a grin on his face.

"Stole you mean,c said Gowther as Hawk's squel "This looks so good!"

"Hawk, mind your manners," said Diane.

"I think it's bad manners to sit like that," meliodas pointed out having Diane to apologise and reposition herself with a small smile.

"Are you leaving us already?" Y/n asked the old male "Why don't you stay for a drink?" She asked, placing her hands in her pockets smiling at him.

"Thanks, but I won't trouble you any longer. Seeing you again is enough." Cain smiled at the (h/c) female before him "alright be safe" she told him.

Cain spoke "One last thing before I go. Keep in mind that if you're seeing traces of Meli whenever you look at that prince..." He trailed off, not knowing how to say what he wanted with the right words, "Well, never mind. Until we meet again, Y/n!"

"Take care, Barzard!" Y/n called after the leaving man, who held his hand up as if waving as he walked away.

When Cain left, y/n couldn't help but feel ache in her hearts as she frown while looking up at the sky "meli..."

"Nice to meet you Sir Gowther. My name is meliodas I'm the third Prince of Liones. Would you please consider joining all of us in our quest to save the kingdom from the Holy Knights?" Meliodas asked with a smile.


"No?" Ban, King, and Diane all said in sync.

"This isn't the first time we've met."

"Really?" Meliodas asked straining his head upwards to meet his gaze.

"We crossed paths once before in Ordan. And before that you became acquainted with us when you were only a small child." He said looking at meliodas.

"Well what do ya know, so he was the little boy always hangin' around the King." Ban said while rubbing his neck behind.

King floated behind Gowther, "Show respect when you speak to his highness."

"I beg your pardon Prince."

"Oh, um sure. So do you know by any chance if I've met lady y/n too?"

"Of course you have." Y/n came back from seeing away Cain having meliodas to turn his gaze to y/n "What'll it be Gowther? Wanna join up with us?"

"I think I should. It was the King who appointed me to the Seven Deadly Sins. So the least I can do in return is submit to his son wishes."

"Great and with you our Seven Deadly Sin count is up to five. Let's get drunk to celebrate!" Y/n fist pumped the air as the sins cheered.

The sins celebrate as they drink their own ale and eat their food as meliodas tried to give gowther food but he told her that he can't taste anything but he heard munching and look behind seeing hawk as he ask hawk some question then he looked over at the Sins watching them having fun.

"I'm so moved I was starting to think that I'd never be reunited with the others again." Y/n said from behind the pink haired male before taking a seat beside him on the table, placing her mug on the table, "Isn't that about what you were just thinking?"

"I was noticing none of us are from the same species." Gowther told his captain.

"That's all?"

"That's all."

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