She's scared to fall in love - Zach Hood

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Gamora had finally finished her sparring and took a shower. She then cleaned up around the ship a little bit and had dinner with the team before turning into her quarters for the night. She put on her sleeping clothes and slipped into her bed. 

For a while she was just alone with her thoughts waiting for sleep to over take her she turned over on to her opposite side to get comfortable. Her gaze landed on her plain dresser that had nothing but the Zune that Peter gave her earlier that day. She knew that she wasn't going to fall asleep any time soon so she decided to pick it up and listen to the first song on the playlist that Peter had made for her.

She looked at the title of the first song 

She's scared to fall in love - Zach Hood - 0.18

When she read the title of the song she could feel a lump forming in the back of her throat. She quickly ignored it and put the earbuds in and pressed play. 

She's scared to fall in love again 

Cause she's been bruised and scarred by him

Yeah she's afraid this nightmare will never end

Then the song ended. Gamora was confused for a second by how short the song was but when she looked at the duration of the song she realized it was only 18 seconds long.

Even though the song was only 18 seconds long there was so much that was said in those 18 seconds.

She's quickly figured out that since Peter doesn't know how to tell her verbally how he feels he's telling her through music.

What she understood from this one was that Peter knows she's scared to fall in love with him because of what she had to go through under Thanos. He knows that Thanos showed her that love makes you weak and that being in love with someone is useless. Peter knows that when under the control of Thanos she was suffering and she thought she would never escape him until she finally did and the Guardians formed. 

Being with Guardians was something that made Gamora genuinely happy even though they can be very loud and annoying it was one of the best things that could have ever happened to her because it gave her a second family. But Peter...

Peter was a whole different story

She had never met anyone quite like Peter. The family feeling she created with the Guardians was great but the feeling she gets when she is around Peter is something completely different. It is something quite incredible that she can't explain or describe but it is a feeling she wants to hold on to.

She doesn't want to admit it but Peter make give her the chance of falling in love

"No that's silly" she whispers to herself

"He doesn't want you, your a cold-blooded could ever love someone like you" she told herself

But then again would he go through all this trouble of making this entire playlist if he didn't love her and want to be with her...

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