1.0 Friends Dont Hurt Friends.

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You had been apart of the Yang residence. Your mother and father have heard of the reincarnation of the demon pearl and had sent you off to see what the fuss what about at a young age. They never came to take you back in the end. You were only five at the time.

Arriving at the town as always you walked towards a stall and bought yourself a couple snacks to eat. While walking around you heard talking in the far distance.


'Huh?' You thought.

Before you knew it everyone ran off and disappeared. You didn't know what was happening so you stood their confused as the voice reached ten. A kid, who looked around your age, popped out from around the corner just as you quickly scrambled and hid behind a cart. He walked towards a house and opened the window with a creepy look as people ran away from him in fear. This continued for a long time until he found everyone, everyone but you. Just as you were about to try to run off you ran into a chest.

The boy from earlier was staring down at you as you stared at him confused. His smile suddenly morphed into one of mischief as he laughed. You slowly got up trying to get away from him. The boy was confused. Very confused. He had given you one of his creepy smiles and you had decided to walk away as if it was nothing. "Hey! Where are you going?!" He screamed.

You stopped and turned around and stared at him. "What do you mean?" You asked. "Why aren't you running?! Aren't you scared of me?" "Um... am I supposed to be?" You asked. It was surprising to hear someone say that to him. If that was the case then he can make you his friend. 'I'll have my first friend!' He quietly cheered for himself but made his expression dull. "Come here." "Hu-!" He took your hand and led you towards a forest.

In the forest stood a little shack and a boy with a pig head outside. The boy made you stay behind the bush as he sneaked towards the boy and knocked him out. "What are you doing?!" You asked. "Just some fun." He said while smirking. He waved you over as you made your way over to him. "Around here people don't like me. They all see me as a demon to them. My names Nezha." He said looking grim but shacked it off. "I'm (Y/n)..." You said. He smiled at you and looked towards the boy on the floor as he took off his pig mask and his clothes and left him in a rag to cover himself.

"Turn around." Nezha said. You heard movement from behind you for a while. "You can look." You turned around to see Nezha had put on the clothes and mask he took from the boy. "Okay. So follow along with this. You are going to pretend to be some lost girl I found in the forest that want to come over here to this shack to confess your undying love to the boy with the blue shirt. Just go with the story and you'll be fine." He said to you. You quickly nodded your head as he grabbed your hand and ran into the hut.

There stood a group of boys surrounding a table as they looked up to see you and Nezha in disguise. "I have a plan to capture Nehza!" Nehza screamed out in a different voice as he ran in. "Hm.. you're suppose to be outside guarding the hideout. Who's the girl? And what's your plan." The tallest boy asked. "Uh.. I came to proclaim my love to you....." You said quietly while looking down. "Oh! Well go on." He said smirking. 'What a jerk.' You thought. "Ah! Well you're very handsome and brave! I think you are better than everyone in the village and I would like to be with you!" You said trying to play the act. "Ah well isn't that cute. We'll talk about your feelings later." He said with a wink.

"Now what's your plan?" He asked Nezha. "We can set up traps!" He screamed. "Traps?" Everyone asked. "Yes. We can saw the steps of the bridges will fall off. Then knifes will fall down onto him. He'll use the wok next to him but it's actually a boulder. He'll run from it and hide in a a small cranny where a plank will shoot him to a tree. In the tree there will be a venomous snake so he runs to the nearest ladder that is tied to a hornets nest. He'll run to this mud right here." Nezha had told him the plan as he led them to the mud.

The leader looked proud of him. "I never realized how smart you were." He told him. "Well only for your charming self." Nezha told him. "Hah I love hearing the truth!" He said in reply. "We'll also throw in some urchins and pee in it." They all grabbed a bowl of urchins and threw it in the mud. They all went to go piss as Nezha grabbed you by your shoulders and turned you towards him. "Thanks..." you said.

"Don't you think that is too mean?" Nezha asked him after they finished. "Mean? After all he's done to us we should repay him!" The leader said. "Well I guess I can't object." Nezha told him. "Wait! How are we going to get him to cross the bridge?" The chubby one asked. "Like this!" Nezha threw off the mask and screamed at them. They all went through the traps as you and Nezha watched from the distance until they made it to the mud pile. "Haha isn't that pee nourishing?! Don't you feel refreshed?!" You giggled at what he said as they stared at you in shock for laughing at what they said.

Then the leader got an idea. "Hey! Grab him! This is how you will show your love to me!" He yelled out. "Oh okay." You said. Nezha stood there shock that his only friend would betray him like that but was soon calmed down. Instead of holding him back you opened your arms and gave him a hug. "Friends don't hurt friends." You whispered into Nezha's ear. "What are you doing?!" The leader screamed at you. "Why would I hurt my friend." You said as you threw your hand over his shoulder and started to walk away.

"What?! He's a demon!" Nezha stopped as soon as he heard those words. "You want to say that again?" Nezha asked angrily. "Yes! You. Are. A. Demon!!" Nezha stood there angrily as he got closer to him. Before he knew it you ran past him as threw a punch at the boy as he fell back into the mud. "You want to say that again?!" You screamed at him. Nezha stood there in shock as you stood in front of the boys. "Look. I may have become his only friend today but I see nothing wrong with him. He only did this because you all were planning on doing it first." You said as you wiped your hand on your pants.

"Come on." You said to Nezha as you both started walking away. Suddenly a white thing flew out of the trees as it wrapped around Nezha. "Why are you always causing trouble." A fat man riding a big flew out of the trees staring down at Nezha. "Lets go." He started to pull Nezha away but you quickly ran after them. "Hey! Where are you going!?" You screamed. "Huh? Who are you?" The fat man asked. "I'm (Y/n)! I'm Nezha's friend!" You yelled out. "Come on." Before you knew it you were on the pig going who knows where.

You had all arrived at a giant house as people ran out. "You had us worried! Where were you?" A lad in a purple outfit asked hugging Nezha. "I went out." He said. "You can't though!" She said. They started to stare at you. "Who are you?" The lady asked nicely as the led Nezha away. Before you can answer the fat man cut him off. "She says her name is (y/n) and is Nezha's friend." "Nezha's friend?" The lady instantly got happy as she wrapped her arms around you. "Oh! Nezha's friend! I'm so glad!" She yelled.

"Come in. Please, as Nezha's friend." She grabbed your hand gently and took you to the room Nezha was in as she gently led you inside and told you to enter. You entered by yourself as Nezha got up ready to throw an apple until he realized it was you. "What do you want?" He asked you. "I just came here to see my friend. Your mom is nice." You told him. "Yeah well she's not that great. She's never there for me to see her since she is always working!" He screamed. "Well at least you have your parents here." You said quietly.

"Oh. Sorry." You sat down on his messed up bed and looked at his as you smiled. "That's okay. No matter what you do you won't hurt me." You said. "How would you know that?" He asked. You hugged him and pulled him towards you. "Because friends need each other." You said as you hugged him tighter. "Yeah. They do." He said.

This was 10 years ago. You were both now 15.

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