he said making a funny face at staz who started barking at him in return.

he always started shit with staz, but apparently staz loved it cuz every time I sat him down with sy was around he'd just follow sy like a lost puppy. 

its annoying how sy came around and made my dog turn against me.

as we got in the car I got into the driver seat and sy put his bags in the back seat. before sitting down in the front and of course staz jumped across sitting in sy's lap. 

so's phone went off like crazy and he began mugging the phone while typing back as I pulled out of the parking lot.

Me: what's wrong?

Sy: this bitch is harassing my friends bro

he said annoyed

Me: watchu mean?

Sy: remember like 3 days ago when me and the boys went to go play ball at the YMCA?

I nodded my head

Sy: well there was these girls there and this one girl kept talking to me every time we ended a game to get water she'd walk over and talk my ear off before the next game started. then when we finally finished playing for the day she came over with her friends asking for my number and I told her nah, she asked for my social media and I turned her down again.

I looked over at him before looking back at the road.

Me: why didn't you just tell her you had a girl friend?

Sy mugged me

Sy: bc that doesn't fucking matter, if I tell a bitch no its because I said "NO" im not interested. I shouldn't have to say "Nah I have a girl"  I said no. I dont have to explain to a bitch why im not interested in her. plus when y'all girls tell niggas y'all got a man does it be stopping them from asking still?

I shook my head no thinking about it

Sy: exactly niggas gone ask anyway, so you should know there's bitches out there that's the same way.

I nodded my head understanding what he was trying to say.

Me: so uhh.... how exactly is she harassing your friends?

Sy: OH yeah right... so we in the group chat right now and they talking about how she been adding them on social media and hitting them up asking them to hook her up with me even tho they been saying no over and over. she keep spamming they shit. and nobody know's how she got they shit anyway so its even more weird.

Me: shacking my head. bitches really be bonkers.

Sy: on GAWD.

he said making me laugh. as we pulled up to the house. 

getting out I grabbed staz as he grabbed his bags we went in the house. and sy ran up the stairs.

Sy: im finna get in the shower baby 

I just nodded in response checking the time 5:30pm

I slid my slides off and laid on the couch and staz laid right up under me as I fell asleep. a lil nap won't hurt.

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