The Reveal

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Carter's P.O.V
"Liyah c-can i a-ask you something?" I said nervously
"Of course Carter whats up?" she said looking up at me straight in the eye
"Okay so theres this girl I like but I don't know if she likes me back so what do i do?"
"O well umm maybe you could try hanging out one on one with her and maybe read if she's been sending mixed signal towards yo maybe?"
"What if I have been hanging with her one on with her but-" I was cut off by someone yelling our names from across the food court.
"Hay Carter and Liyah"
"Dammit Matt" I mumbled under my breath
"What you say" Liyah asked me
"O nothing" I said scratching the back of neck
Matthew had made his way over here
"Hay guys whats up?"
"Nothing just hanging doing a little shopping for my birthday party"She said with a big smile on her face
Matthew P.O.V
OMG SHE JUST SMILED AT ME!!!!! Liyah is absolutely gorgeous I know what you're thinking Matthew you like your best friend and so does your other best friend it will ruin your friendships. Well it might and the keyword is might and and as soon as I get the chance to talk to Carter I will and we will probably both agree not to make a move.
"Hay guys I'm gonna go use the bathroom I'll be right back." Liyah said and then got up and walked away
"Carter can we talk about this" I said
He looked up at me and nodded
I sat down across from him and said "Ok look I have been carefully thinking about the situation at hand and I think that maybe we should either both go out with her see who she catches feelings for or neither of us make a move and personally I think we should both go out with her and see"
Carter looked at me like there was another way to solve this problem.
"What? Do you have a better idea?" I asked a bit annoyed.
"Well actually I do how about we tell her and see if she wants t give us both a chance. Don't you think thats a bit easier?"
"Ok how about we tell Liyah-" I was cut off by Liyah saying "Tell me what?"
Me and Carter bth looked at each other and nodded
"Well Liyah you see me and Carter have been acting strangely because umm........ I guess we both l-like you." is what I said. Liyah didn't seem upset or mad. She looked surprised... really surprised
"And when you wnt to the bathroom me and Matt sorta had an idea of telling you and suggesting that you give us both equal chances so that no ones feelings or friendships get torn to bits and pieces bt only if you wanted to or you liked us both." Carter said and then shrugged
Aaliyah's P.O.V
"Ummmmmmmm well guys honestly I really do have mixd feelings for you both and I realized this about a month ago and I have really been thinking about this too and I think we should do this."
They both looked at me astonished with what I had just said
"So you're not mad?" Matt said
"No why would I be?" saying in a duh tone
There was a bit of an awkward silence
"Well then what do we do now?" Carter said breaking it.
"Ummmm I don't really know. We could all just hang out for a while" Matthew had suggested
"Alright" Me and Carter said in unison
We both giggled and smiled at each other and I saw out the corner of my eye that Matt has tightened his jaw and clenched his fists and thats when I took his hand and intertwined our finger and did the same with Carter. We all laughed at what I did because it looked funny. Thats when I saw something that made me bust out in tears.

Okay so sorry I haven't updated but I was really busy and I had writers block so yea I hoped you enjoyed this chapter hopefully there are plenty more to come. Baiii
-Cashelle ⚡️☀️

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