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Aaliyah's P.O.V
Me, Carter, Matt were walking when I saw something that made me burst out into tears.......It was my boyfriend Dylan having a full on make out session with Patricia he pulled away and saw me "Liyah it's not what it looks like" O really Dylan then what is it" I went up to him and slapped harder than I've ever slapped someone before "Were done and I never wanna see you're lying dumb ass face ever again." I turned around an walked away confidently. "Are you okay?" Carter asked "Actually I feel great." Yeah, he didn't deserve you anyway." Matt said while snaking his arm around my shoulder. Carter sent him a death glare and I busted out laughing cause they were both just sending each other dirty looks.
"Hay guys we should go."
"Yeah we should" Carter said while flicking Matt's arm from my shoulder
Matt just flicked him off. We all live near each other so we just walked home.
Carter's P.O.V
I just want to punch Matt in the face he knows I like her way more than he does and he's not the relationship type guy he'll just break her heart. I got home first since my house was the first stop no I swear if Matt does anything I'm gonna beat his ass. I got ready for bed and went to sleep with a smile on my face thinking about going out with Liyah yeah I know creepy but I'm still gonna do it.
so what did you think did you like it. I love you guyyzzz Baaaiiii

InLove With The Two (Matt Espinosa & Carter Reynolds)Where stories live. Discover now