~Chapter Twenty~

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(Y/n's POV)

"No I'm not!" I get defensive.

"Yeah you are," he states.

"What are you, a human lie detector?" I ask, turning my head to look at him.

"Nope, I can just smell your bullshit," he laughs.

I cross my arms and look down again. I sigh and then put my other earbud back in/put my headphone over my ear again. I focus on my music, trying to drown out the world. I feel Race get up from the bed and see him go to the others.

I lay down on the bed in the fetal position. It's a comfortable position to be sad in. I decide to put on Tuck Everlasting. Maybe it'll get me a bit pumped for our school musical, and to have something else to focus on. I focus on the instruments playing in the intro. I proceed to drift into a much needed sleep.

~Dream Land~

It's Oscar and I's 1 year anniversary. How the fuck did that happen? We seem to be in a happy relationship. That's odd. This has to be a dream. I refuse to believe this is real life.

Something in my gut is telling me that something is wrong. I look in Oscars eyes and they look the same as they do in normal life. Full of evil, icky-ness. Welp Fuck.

"Hey sweetheart, I got you these," Oscar says and gives me a bouquet of roses.

Where the hell did those come from?! Well I guess it is a dream so it makes sense. I probably shouldn't be self aware in a dream.

"Oh, thank you," I take the roses from Oscar and almost instantly get pricked, "ouch!" I yelp and drop the roses fast. I look at my hand and see that I'm bleeding from the palm of my hand, near the thumb.

~No More Dream Land~

I wake up, kinda jolty and notice I'm holding where I got "pricked". Oh thank the lord that was a dream! I look around the room and notice that Aunt Gabriella is home and talking with the boys. Dang they still haven't left?! What time is it even anyways?

I pick up my phone and turn it on. I read where the time is on my phone and see '7:26'. Why have they been here for so long.

"Oh hey, N/n is awake," one of the dudes say. I think it's Jack, but I could be wrong.

I want to be alone at the moment. I get up out of the bed and grab my phone and headphones. I go over to Aunt Gabriella and hug her as a hello and bye, then head out. I go out of the building and go into the alleyway next it. Yes, I know, it's high key a dumb decision but I'm alone.

As soon as I sit down like mid-way into the alleyway and lean against the wall. I feel someone watching me. I look over at the opening of the alleyway and see Race.

"What are you here?" I ask. "All I want is some alone time."

"I'm here to figure out why you're dating Oscar. You'll get some alone time when you tell me the truth." Race smirks and sits by me.

"Could you just give up on that?" I ask loudly. I'm mentally tired at the moment, and I know that I put myself in this situation but still!

"Mama ain't raise no quitter," he says smiling.

Should I tell him? Should I not? I mean I've already told Jack so that means I've told one to many. But Race is also my best friend. What if Oscar is somewhere around here and overhears me telling Race why I'm in a relationship with him. That probably won't happen. But what if it does?! This is stressful. Why'd I get myself in this situation. I'm a dumbass. Wait! What if Crutchie found out why I'm in the relationship! Oh god I'd be DEAD! Ahaha what do I do?

Hello everyone! I am SO sorry that it took so long to publish this. I feel so bad. I'm really trying to update for you guys but I've been having a lot of writers block and lack of motivation. I will try my very best to update again soon! I love you guys, have a wonderful day/evening/night!

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