When you catch a cold

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Sense he became Hokage he's never home much but your mother is so she's the one that takes care of you. However when ever he has he lunch breaks and other times off he comes home and read books to you and your siblings. He brings you the food that Hinata makes for you and tell you stories about his past. After a few days you get better he's sick and you return the favor and even though he's sick he tells you more stories.
Gets home from a mission to see you are no where down stairs and he goes to your room and sees you laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Hey you okay? He asks and walks over to your bed and feels your forehead to check your temperature. Your warm, he mumbles and goes down stairs and gets a cloth and puts some cold water in a bowl and comes back to your room and puts the cloth on your forehead and then makes you some soup and stays with you the rest of the day. He knew he was going to get asked where he was and why he didn't report to Naruto but that wasn't important right now what was important was that you got better and you did after a few days you were fine and thanked you father for taking care of you. He said you did have to thank him. Why? Because he was you little Uchiha and he would do anything for you and your family.
When you brother came down stairs but you didn't your father was confused. He asked your brother where you were. He said that you were in your room and that were saying you felt like crap. What a drag, you brother said as your father glared at him. Don't say that about your sister. That's not what I meant dad,he said and back up and bumped into your mother. He looked at Temari,I'm going to stay here today and take care of Y/n he said and they both nodded. And that's what he did, he took care of you even though it got him sick in the process. Although this time he didn't say what a drag and he was retuned the favor. You took care of him and once he was better the two of you trained together.
He wakes up to the sound of someone in the bathroom. The only one that lived in the house with him was you. (You were adopted by Kankuro when you were 5). You went to your bed and collapsed then you heard your bed room door open. Hey kitten you okay? He asked and walked over to your bed side. You flipped over to where he could see your face. You face was red showing you had a really bad fever. He bent over you and rested his hand on your head.As soon as he did he pulled away. Your burning up!He exclaimed. I feel awful you groaned. I'm sorry kitten I said as he petted your head. I'll be right back, he said and left the room and left your door cracked slightly. After a few minutes he can back with a thermometer and wet cloth and medicine. He sat beside you and laid the cloth on your forehead. I'm sorry you don't feel well kitten, he said calmly as she rubbed you head. You got better after a few days and went back to training with your dad.
He had no idea what to do because when he was young he never got sick. So he called Temari and asked her to come over and so she did and she helped take care of you and after you were better she thought Gaara what to do.
It was a normal day until the hideout until you didn't come out and help prepare breakfast with your father like you normally did. As you coughed you father opened the door with things that were required when you were sick. It never felled that your father knew when you were sick or something was wrong. He took care of you and you were better with in about two days.
Hey my little ninja, he said as he shook you awake. You groaned and rolled over so now you were facing him. We have to get ready for training he says. You started to cough harsley at first with your mouth closed then it got worse so you covered your mouth. Your vision blurred slightly as you started to fall sideways off your bed. You didn't hit the floor though a pair of arms wrapped around you and laid you back down. Your eyes opened slowly and you looked at your father concerned face. Y/n he whispered and walked out the room and came back with Medicean and other things that he needed. He took care of you the whole day and canceled training with the team for the day. You were lucky to have your father even if you didn't have your mother.
End of part one

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