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Your books will not be judged entirely on the basis of your plot . They will depend on several other factors .

Cover : 5 Points

Now most of the people are attracted towards your story because of your cover and description .

Covers are your first step towards attracting people . So it must be captivating and somehow reflect the title of the story .

( If your books have aesthetics , banners , playlist etc. It will be included in it )

Description : 8 Points

Second and most important thing is description . An intriguing description is your another chance to get more and more people .

Grammar : 7 Points

Now we know most of you are new writers and few mistakes here and there are bound to happen . However , if there a lot of mistakes , they cannot be ignored . They reduce interest of a reader in your stories .

( So writers , re-check your work so that your chance of winning increases )

Story Plotting : 15 Points

I don't think it's something that need any explanation . Your story should be on plot . Your story should be in sequence and it should keep a reader intrigued .

Characterization of actors : 15 Points :

Now this is extremely important.
No one likes a sudden change in behaviour of either your protagonist or antagonist . It should go right with the plotting of your story .



Judges will review the alloted books on the basis of above factors and will provide a brief yet detailed feedback of the alloted books .

You'll provide us all the information
mentioned below ,

Title ( of the book alloted ) :

Username ( of the writer ) :

Feedback :

Points :

Cover :

Description :

Grammer :

Story Plot :

Characterization :

Total :

Still have any question ? Just comment below .

Note : Please invite your friends to judge the books , even if they are a first timer .

The Aspirants Club

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