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Bismuth POV
For about five minutes we were standing quietly by the board game shelf, she looked like she was anylizing every single game. To break the silence I asked, "do you have any preferance about what game we should play." Pearl didn't answer for a minute. Finally she said "wanna play, chess??" I gave her a thumbs up, despite having absoulutly no clue how to play chess. I was hoping she'd pick a game like monopoly or something....but I guess she could teach me?  "Oh I love chess." she said with a pleasant smile "but I must warn you, i'm basically an expert strategist ." She took out the board. I tried to glance over at her and copy how she set up her pieces. I must have had a confused look on my face because she said "you look very preplexed.....may I ask if you even know how to play chess." Shit, my small attempt at being laid back failed... I didn't answer, instead I laughed. I couldn't explain why I randomly laughed, I guess I was just nervous. I'm unexpectedly meeting the girl who basically made me realize I liked girls in the first place. Pearl, after probably being confused about why I was laughing starts to laugh along with me. "Its fine if you don't know how to play chess. I can teach you. I admit, It's very difficult at first, but once you get a hang of the rules, the strategy doesn't come far after. My roomate Garnet taught me during college, and it took me almost four years to fully get the hang of chess, so don't get frustrated if you don't get it at first." I curoiusly asked "where do you go to college" She proudly said "I go to Barnard and I double majored in Astronomy and Dance."

"Those are two very different majors." I said in a amused tone "Was there any reason why you decided to double major instead of pick just one" She nodded her head and said "well I just couldn't pick one, I had two completely different passions, and two groups of people telling me to do two different things I should do with my life and one day I just got sick of everyone in my life trying to decide which passion is better to presude and I took the matter into my own hands."

"Seems logical enough." I responded. As she was setting up my chess pieces I said without thinking "You know what?? Lets just forget about playing chess and get to know each other better."

"What do you wanna know?" She responded. 

"hmmmm.... what are your pet peeves??" I said randomly

"ughh I have so so many." Pearl said as she was rolling her eyes in disgust "I hate it when something isn't perfectly symmetrical.....I also hate it when people under estimate me and think I can't fix a car or a computer just because i'm a woman, when 98 percent of the time I can fix it faster and more efficantly those rude, misogynisic men can..... And I hate messyness. My roomate, Amethyst, is horrorifically messy. She once found a burrito under her bed that had been there for two years. But somehow i've dealt with her for all 4 years of college. Our other roomate Garnet, normally keeps us from fighting too much. and despite Amethyst and I being polar opposites, shes my best friend. Shes actually the main reason why I came here tonight." Pearl then pointed out a short girl with purple hair from across the room. She and a couple her friends were dancing by the bar and and loudly and joygfully singing along to Amy Winehouse. "She dragged me here and told me I needed to 'loosen up.' Normally its pretty out of character for me to come to something like this....But now that i've met you, I feel a little better ." Inside, I was trying to contain my excitement, this was everything I ever wanted in high school and even beyond that. But I guess I thought that dream was out of reach, at least until now... 

I said in a chill and collected voice "well, i'm glad i could help you loosen up a bit....and my biggest pet peeve is absoulutly spiders." Pearl said in a surprised voice. "Well I'd find that hard to believe, since your muscles could probably kill any spider on impact."

"I'd like to consider myself a gentle giant, I hate spiders, but I also hate killing them. I feel guilty about it for like a week." Pearl nodded her head as she asked "why'd you come here tonight"

"Well.....My two closest friends recently started dating, and they felt bad for me, so they told me I should come here tonight to try to meet someone. " I pointed them out "one of thems the girl with the short hair, glasses and alien tshirt and the other one is the bluenette right next to her." They both politely waved, but I could tell that they were trying to contain there excitement that I actually met somebody. Pearl and I talked for about an the rest the night, but it only felt like ten minutes when the announcer came up back up on the stage and said "unfortunately, it's midnight, which means we are closing and its time to exchange numbers with that person you met tonight"

"damn, have we really been talking for three hours?? It sure hasn't felt like that."

"I guess we have" Pearl said to me, as she handed her number to me on a piece of paper.

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