"Hi everyone. There's been a slight change of plans due to being one band member short. Therefore, I will be your lead singer instead of Marinette. Thank you for your time and hope you enjoy." Adrien flashed the crowd a small smile before signalling you Nino to begin their performance.

However, before they could start a familiar voice rang through their ears.

Oh oh oh
Hm hm hm

Everyone froze by the sudden change of voice that filled the auditorium. One by one, all heads turned to the source of the sound at the back of the room.

I wait on you
Any day
Hand and foot
Your world
Is my world
Ain't no way
You ever
Gonna get any
Less than you should

There stood a gorgeous bluenette whose voice was calling out for attention with a small smile plastered onto her lips.

The group on stage had their mouths ajar while looking at the one person they had been trying to contact for the past 30 minutes.

The bluenette winked to Nino, signalling to him to start playing what they had rehearsed. Getting the idea, he recalled the arrangement and joined in with Marinette. Adrien and Alya were snapped out of whatever trance they were in and followed suit even though they were still shocked by Mari's sudden appearance.

'Cause baby
You smile
I smile
'Cause whenever
You smile
I smile
Hey, hey, hey

Marinette's smile gradually widened with every step towards the stage while everybody else in the crowd followed the girl's figure all the way on her journey to the stage.

Your lips
My biggest weakness
Shouldn't have let you know
I'm always gonna do what they say
If you need me
I come runnin'
From a thousand miles away

Marinette, by this point, had now finally made up to the stage and sent Adrien a smirk, which he graciously returned, before taking her position in centre stage.

When you smile
I smile
You smile
I smile

The crowd was going crazy; everywhere you look and listen you there were people either on their feet or cheering at the top of their lungs. However, Marinette couldn't help but notice a very distinct glare from the front row but decided to not look much into it.

Baby take my
Open heart
And all it offers
'Cause this is as
Unconditional as it'll
Ever get you ain't
Seen nothing yet
I won't ever
To give you more

Marinette ignored the glare sent in her direction and turned around to face the rest of the band and started dancing around the stage, making Adrien, Alya and Nino smile at her playful manner.

'Cause baby
You smile
I smile
Whoa whoa ah
You smile
I smile
Hey, hey, hey
You smile
I smile
I smile, I smile, I smile
You smile
I smile

The ravenette walked over to Alya on the piano and freestyled on the unoccupied keys which made people more mesmerised than before. She then made her way over to Nino.

Make me smile baby
Baby you won't ever want for nothing
You are my ins and my means now
With you there's no in between
I'm all in
Hey, hey, hey

At first, Nino and Alya stopped playing so only Marinette's voice the playing of Adrien's guitar were the only things heard. Towards the end of the verse, Nino gave his drum sticks to Mari to freestyle and threw the sticks up in the air only for Nino to catch and play once again.

You smile
I smile
I smile, I smile, I smile
You smile
I smile

She made her back to her original position as the song concluded. Everyone went into an uproar and stood on their feet.

Marinette was too distracted by the audience to even notice a certain blonde come up behind her and pick her up, spinning her around. "You came back! I knew you would!" Adrien crushed her in a hug while Nino and Alya joined in for a group hug.

They all pulled away and The bluenette brought the mic to her lips.

"Hi everyone. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I am the lead singer of The Miracles."

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