High School Time

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Starting high school, Karma had been moved to the A class. The school recognised his academic ability, having placed number one in the second term finals the previous year in junior high. As they should have, a smug part of him thought. Not only that, but he had also improved himself in many ways because of a certain teacher of his. He had learnt to control his temper and stopped picking pointless fights – such actions would likely drop him down a class or two. Moving out of class A was not something Karma wanted anyways; it's much more fun when your rival's in the same class as you, after all.

The school bell rang – in Kunugigaoka High, the school bell signified the start of a new school day. Studying in a normal classroom would definitely feel strange after a whole year in Korosensei's assassination classroom. Karma walked towards his school – studying on the main campus after that year on the mountain would feel strange too. This was something entirely new but he was more ready than ever.

However, upon entering the 1-A classroom, he couldn't help but feel like something was missing. C'mon, it's only been a year since studying in a normal classroom. Why was he suddenly feeling empt-

"Akabane." He'd recognise that voice from anywhere. Karma's eyes drifted to meet cold, violet eyes. "The bell rang 5 minutes ago, you're late."

"Eh? It's better than missing class entirely – the teacher isn't here yet, anyways." He smirked, "you should really learn to let loose sometime, Asano-kun. Those wrinkles really spoil your complexion."

Asano only rolled his eyes in reply, muttering something under his breath before taking his seat near the front of the classroom. The only other empty desk was next to Asano. Great, he mumbled sarcastically before he too took his seat. Now, what was it he was thinking about again? Right. The feeling of emptiness he couldn't describe. Was one year enough to make him feel this way? No, maybe it wasn't class E. There was always a certain someone with him... but before Karma could further his thoughts, he could feel the piercing gaze of the student next to him. What was it with Asano and interrupting his thoughts today?

"What's the problem, Asano-kun~? Admiring my beauty?"

"You seem to be deep in thought," Asano looked smug, "having trouble adjusting to a normal classroom?"

Was it really the classroom that was bothering him? It felt like something else entirely. He didn't really feel like spilling everything to Asano so he simply shrugged and faced the front before their teacher finally arrived. Asano didn't bother him anymore after that.


"You like Nagisa-kun?"

"Yeah," he paused, "I... didn't even notice it myself at first. I kept denying it. I didn't want to believe it."

"Why not?"

"I didn't want to believe I would fall for someone like him," he trembled as he averted his gaze, "I thought he'd be happier with Kayano-chan. Even tried to hook them up, but then Kayano let him go. Anyways, I don't think Nagisa would ever like me that way."

"B-but he's your best friend! And he's great at reading people – especially you! Maybe he'll notice and-"

"Yeah, he's great at reading people – but when it comes to love, he's clueless. I just... don't really know what to do. I needed someone to talk to about this."

It was rare for her to see Karma like this. Unsure of what to say, she put on a gentle smile and tried to assure him the best she could.
"No matter what happens, I'll always be here to support you."

"Thanks, Okuda-san."


Homeroom was boring – although the satisfaction of having his name called before Asano's made him smirk. Shishido-sensei paled in comparison to Korosensei – in fact, all teachers paled in comparison to him. Their Maths teacher's inefficient way of teaching only proved this. Instead of wasting his time listening to stuff he already knew explained in a much more horrible way, Karma decided to be productive and do his own self-studying. After a while, he let his eyes drift off to his classmates – they all looked so plain, contrasting class E. There wasn't anyone attractive to look at either. Attractive? He really had to stop letting his feelings for Nagisa slip into his thoughts, none of this had to do with him.

Karma: After StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant