Chapter 2

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That night, mom and I stayed up most of the night, binge watching all three godfathers.

The next morning, I was woken up by mom yelling, "Rory, get up, your starting school today!" Exclaimed mom. I instantly bolted up. "What!? Why didn't you tell me I was starting at my new school today!? I panic. "I forgot!" "God, we stayed up almost all night watching all three godfathers, when I could have been preparing for my new school! I'm gonna be so behind! Who knows what they've already covered academically! God, how could I be so stupid! Plus, I'll have to find my locker and what if my locker is broken and I'll-!" My rant was interrupted.

"Rory! Breath, this is not your fault, it's mine. Plus, no matter what you'll be the smartest in all your classes, even at Chilton, which is an extremely challenging school, you were finding it easy. Now, I have a feeling that Stars Hollow doesn't have that many smart kids in it, judging by what we've seen so far." Mom assured me. "Mom, but that's just it! From what we've seen, there could be a club of kids hidden somewhere with kids who are way smarter than me! I'm gonna flunk out!" I said worried.

"You'll do just fine." Mom said, rubbing my back. "What time is it, the sun hasn't even come out yet!" I said annoyed. "5:45 in the morning, but before you get mad, I woke up on the couch, with a horrible neck pain, note to self, don't fall asleep on the couch," "Mom, is there a point to this or are you just trying to distract me from the fact that you woke me up a 5:45 IN THE MORNING!" I said, obviously mad. "Right, well, I thought I should wake you up early so you could get coffee and get ready for school." She said, sincerely. "Thank you!" I finally said.

I walk out to the kitchen to make some coffee. "Mom, where's the coffee machine!" I call out to mom, who's still in the living room. "Umm, haven't seen it, probably still in a box somewhere, waiting to be unpacked!" She calls back. "So, where are we getting our coffee?" I ask as she walks into the kitchen. "The diner in town?" She said, as if it's obvious. "But mom! The diner won't be open at this hour and I have to get ready for school!" I whine. "Well, i guess we'll have to go without coffee." She says, walking out of the kitchen. "Where are you going?!" I ask, I need my coffee! "Back to bed!" She shouts back. "Hopefully once I wake up, the diner will be open!" I faintly heard her say as she walked up the stairs.

I dragged myself into my room to get dressed. After about 10 minutes, I decided on wearing an oversized off white white sweater with jeans since it was fall.

Once I was dressed, I walked out to the kitchen to toast some pop tarts. I grab the hot pop tarts out of the toaster and start to back my school bag.

"MOM! I don't know what to bring!" I yell out, earning a quiet grunt in response. "DID THEY GIVE YOU A LIST OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES I NEED!" I asked loudly. "No, just use your Chilton supplies." She responded, sounding half asleep. "What if they need different stationary or-" I panic, once again. "Rory, honey, I don't think they'll mind, especially on your first day." Mom said as she's walking down the stairs.

"Fine, but if you get a call home, it's entirely your fault!" I scowled. "Don't worry, I don't think the phone is working after I threw it across the room yesterday." She said.

I go to my room and put all my school supplies in my bag. "Which books should I bring?" I asked. "Uhh, school ones?" She said confused. "What non-school related books should I bring." I asked, getting annoyed. "I don't know! You're the book expert!" She exclaimed. "Hmph." I huffed.

In the end, I decided on bringing two non-school related books: An autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy, and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, because you're not always in the mood to read a biography.

At 6:25 I finally had my stuff ready. "Mom! The diner should be opening in five minutes!" I shouted. Mom grabbed her keys. "Hurry, I need my coffee!" She calls back. I go outside to see her warming up the car. "Mom, you do know we can walk there within minutes?" I asked. "Too tired to walk." She mumbled. "If you can't walk, should you be driving?" I asked. Without responding, she immediately pulls out of the driveway.

She pulled up in a parking spot in front of the diner from yesterday. I peered through the glass windows and could already tell that the diner was full, even though the diner just opened nearly seconds ago.

We stepped into the diner and silence fell among the diner and all the attention turned to us. "Stop staring! We just need coffee," Mom complained, as I stood there awkwardly. "Why are people even up this early!" "Some people have business to run and kids gotta go to school." Said the grumpy diner owner. "Has no one heard of take out!" She said, a bit loud. "Sugar, this diner is at its busiest at this hour. I'm Babette by the way, Morey," She points at the tall man sitting across from her. "And I live in the red house next-door to your house." Said an older woman with a raspy voice.

Suddenly a woman, around Babettes age spoke out. "Darlings, I'm terribly sorry to take this long. I'll drop off the welcome wagon later today." She said, as if this is normal. "The welcome wagon?" I asked starting to get creeped out by this town. "Yes, you see, I'm Patricia Patty and it's my job to go around the town and welcome new town members with a wagon. So, we call it the welcome wagon." She explained.

"Oh, uh, okay, there's no need to rush." Mom said awkwardly. "What do you want?" The diner owner in a blue flannel and a backwards baseball cap asked rudely. "Wha- Oh, two coffees and two blueberry muffins to go." Mom ordered." A few seconds later, the man returned with our order. We paid, and left.

We sat on a bench in a small gazebo that was in the center of the town and ate. At 7:00 I saw a Korean girl, my age walk up to us. "I'm Lane Kim, you guys are new, correct?" She asked. She seemed nice, so I answered, "Yes, we are. I'm Rory Gilmore and I'm 16. This," I pointed at mom. "Is my mom, Lorelai Gilmore." I said.

"Cool, are you starting school today?" She asked, when she saw my book bag. "Yes, I am." I replied nervously. "Cool, I can show you around, not that it's that big of a school. She trailed off.

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