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Continuous, useless, clatter of noise. 

I wince as I go from my 5th period to my 6th.  I don’t like the sound of all these people, they are too loud; haven’t they ever heard of staying quiet?

The bell rings as I open the door to the bathroom stall, I don’t want to go to class, at least not today.

I get on top of the tank connected to the toilet; the cold soothes my hot skin. 

Long day.

I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall.  Taking deep and steady breathes; I transport myself to the white room.

It’s the same as it always its, a small room with white walls a window that shows a green hillside with no human beings for miles, and I can transport anything I want in here at any time of day.  This time there is nothing except walls and a floor.  I slide down into a corner and smile.  Closing my eyes I think about nothing. 


I jump on my seat on top of the toilet and stop my foot only inches away from hitting the water.  I jump up and look through the small crack of the door and see two girls reapplying make up on their already caked face. I stay silent and listen to their gossip, hoping to not hear anything about me.

                                  “Did you hear about that girl? What’s her face; Lucy? Yea Lucy, she is such a whore.  Dated Damien and is now dating some other Russian freak only a day after they broke up!”

I wince, gossip hurts, I should know out of all people.  I hop back on to the tub of the toilet and close my eyes again and wind myself back up to the white room.

I walk over to the window and smile at the beautiful hills.  If only the world could be this beautiful in real life. 

The sad thing is, that the world may look beautiful on the outside, yet it is ugly and putrid on the inside.  I wish the world was just beautiful on the inside like it is out. 

I wish and believe in a lot of things. 

I curl up on top of the toilet and close my eyes, I need sleep now.

I wake up and end up falling off the toilet once the bell rings.  I pick up my phone and find out that I had slept through the rest of the classes.  Crap, I’m screwed. 

I hurry out the door and race to my bike, peddling home as fast as I could. 

Once I got to the old two story house, I parked my bike in the garage and raced inside as the phone was ringing.  I pick it up on the fifth ring. 

The automotive voice of the school telling my mom about the classes I missed came on, I slammed the phone down and let out a long breathe.   That would have been hell if my mom had answered the call.

I grab my bag that lies in a pile on the floor and run up the stairs to my little room.  It’s neat and a cracked mirror hangs on the wall. I go over to the mirror and look at my pale scrawny reflection. I run my fingers over the red satin scarf covering my shaved head.  I feel a tear run down my face at the loss of my beautiful blonde hair. But it had to go, it attracted too much attention. I always did my best to keep it clean, and pretty, it was never enough to stop the mocking voices of the people in school.

I wipe away the tear swiftly. Sliding my back down the ugly cream colored walls of my bedroom that have collected multiple stains over the years, I put my hands over my face trying to relive some stress. I have to make sure I don’t go into the room right now, if my mom comes home and sees me in the room. I probably wouldn’t be alive to see tomorrow.

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