The White Room

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       It’s White, that’s the simple thing about this place.  Its serene, that’s the beauty, it’s a shelter, and I’m very lucky to have it.  Nobody else can, at least that’s what I think. It’s my place, a place for me to hide away and find my peace of mind. I would go crazy without it, I would die without it.  This place is my paradise, away from the place we call ‘world’ 

You see, I haven’t ever been normal, haven’t ever fit into this society.

Whenever the world feels like its going to spin out of control, I escape to this place.  My mom wants me to get out of my ‘shell’ and become an actual human being.  The thing is, I don’t want to be.  I want to stay in this white world where nothing bad will ever happen, if I don’t want it to. 

          At least that’s what I used to think.

That this white room was a heaven and that everything was good. 

Everything is bad, whether you control that thing or not; it will always end up bad. 

So, why did my white room turn from white to black?

Why couldn’t it have stayed my safe heaven forever?

               I ask these questions all the time.

The answer:  I’m just dead inside.

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