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"hey, woo." san said when wooyoung picked up the phone.

"it's wooyoung to you." he answered.

"...wooyoung. can we talk?"

"what is there to talk about? there, you know i used to cut, you know i want to die. what more is there?" woyoung said.

"look, i know i've been a jerk, i know i'm stupid, i know that i'm a fucking bitch but can you just stop with the comments for one minute?"

"...fine. what's so important?"

"has anything been going on at home? i know your parents we're strict when we were kids, but i'm worried."

"everything's fine."

"that fine seems really fake to me. do you still live in the same place?"

"why do you care?"

"yes or no?"


"mkay.. thanks." san said, and hung up.

san got off his bed and went to tell jongho that he'd be out. jongho was his brother, and one of the people that isn't afraid to punch him.

"hey, jongho?" san said, knocking on his door.

"door's open. what do you want?"

"i'll be out for today, don't burn the kitchen down while i'm gone."

"yeah yeah whatever. leave."

san sighed, "bye.. love you."

san was walking through the rain, trying to remember the way to wooyoung's house. he would probably get sick by the time he's back home but it didn't matter to him. just wanted to make it better between him and wooyoung, so they didn't shove eachother around or cry at eachother's words.

after around 20 minutes he finally found it. the house looked exactly the same as he remembered it, but it felt no where near the same to be around it again. all the happy memories of him and wooyoung playing with legos or whatever else together compared to now, when wooyoung didn't want to even see san.

he knocked on the door, the doorbell seemed to be broken. "wooyoung did you invite someone over?" someone said from inside. they opened the chained door slightly, "hello, who are you?"

"choi san. wooyoung's friend."

"oh hello! i'll open the door, just one moment." they said and shut the door again, followed by noises of locks being opened.

"i didn't realise it was raining-- come inside!!" what seemed to be wooyoung's mum said. san couldn't tell if it really was his mum or not, he saw her only twice, always on some sort of "business trip".

san went inside and saw wooyoung, standing with his back to the front door, he seemed to be talking with someone, and shaking. "wooyoung!" his mum called out, it made him visibly flinch. "you have a guest!" she said, wooyoung turned around, he looked really stressed or scared, maybe both but when he saw san he calmed down.

"what's he so stressed about? why'd he flinch that hard when his mum called? what's up with him looking pleased to see me? doesn't he hate me? was he expecting someone else?" san thought, looking straight into wooyoung's eyes. wooyoung kept looking back at him, san could tell wooyoung was scared of something, someone.

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