"I know... She ran away to France.. She died due the complications from giving birth to you.. But it's alright now... At least, I got my daughter back" I give him a small smile. I don't know why but I'm starting to feel sorry for him. I mean our mothers left us even though they had magic.. We lost our mothers right after we were born into this world. We have nobody. We only got each other now.

"now... Let's move on from this topic" he gets up and walked to the wardrobe. I watched his movements carefully when he suddenly pulled out a black dress with a stripe from the neck down to the left side leg. It also has a slit on the left. He put it down on the bed and pulled out a black cloak with hood. And a pair of black boots, he then put a gold mask on the bed, Death Eater's mask.

 And a pair of black boots, he then put a gold mask on the bed, Death Eater's mask

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"what are all these things?"

"these... Are for you.."

"for me?"



"for you to wear, of course. Lucius will train you"

"training? Wait...... Are you trying to make me one of your Death Eater?" he shook his head.

"you're my daughter... Why should I make you as my servants? You will be my.... Princess" I feel some sort of darkness consuming myself. I felt... Cold. Shiver running down my spine as I feel something is taking over myself. I closed my eyes and take in deep breath.

Third P. O. V

Elora starts to stand still. Something is taking control of herself. Something that she can't explain. Some sorts of darkness. Darkness taking control of her heart, her mind and her soul. When she opened her eyes, there's no longer twinkle of kindness in her eyes. Only twinkles of evil.

Back to Elora's P. O. V

"of course.... I will get ready"

"good. You will get your wand from Lucius once you start your training" I nodded my head and watched him walking out of my room. I grabbed the dress and started changing, putting my hair in a ponytail. I put the mask on the nightstand and knocked on the door, signalling him that I'm ready. I hear the key rattling and next I'm greeted by Lucius' pale, boring face.

"come" he walked ahead me as I followed behind him.

"where are you taking me to?"

"the basement" I nodded my head quietly and looked around. It seems so dark in here, they probably held a meeting here. Soon, we walked down the stairs into a dark and gloomy basement. Lucius turned around so surprisingly that I flinched for a while. He handed me my wand and I take it quickly from his palm. He moved to his position and aim his wand at me. I responded the same.

"I will use the unforgivable curses. You must have known them"

"yeah.. I know" he walked around me and I stepped back cautiously, still looking at him.

"crucio!" Lucius yelled as a green light came towards my direction. I quickly dodged it and send 'rictumsempra' to him. He blocked it easily and keep sending spells my way. I dodged them like it's not a hard deal. I keep sending them back or just dodging the spells until I stunned him.

"petrificus totalus!" he frozed. His legs sprang together and his arms sticking to his sides, his wand fell. His rock body falls on to the hard floor, stiff as a board. A clap can be heard in the echoing room as a figure walked out of the darkness.

"well done Elora. Well done" Voldermort clapped his hands and looked at Lucius' frozen figure laying on the floor.

"you did well.... Just how I expected to be..... Now, un petrified him" I waved my wand and in a matter of seconds, Lucius back to normal. He picked his wand up and stand on his feet, bowing slightly.

"go" Lucius bowed deeply and walked out of the basement. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in before when he suddenly walk in circle around me.

"you.... Have a talent... You should join me and we can rule the Wizarding World..... Together"

"I am honoured... Father" I heard him grinned once he heard the word 'Father' fell from my lips.

"excellent... But.." my ears twitched at the word of 'but'. My eyes moving restlessly, waiting for what he has to say next.

"I have to test you.."


"I will give you a test, darling... LUCIUS!" Lucius appeared right away with a cage floating behind him. He placed it in front of me and bow to Voldermort before walking to the corner. There's a man locked in the cage, he seems vulnerable and terrified. I could see his fangs, he has a very pale skin, I assumed he's a vampire.

"now... Elora.. He's a vampire... I want to see you kill him"

"please.... Don't.." I hear the man whimpering in pain. His body is full with scars, they probably tormented him.

"Elora... Do it..." Voldermort urged me more. I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath in. When I opened my eyes, I crouched down and pointed my hand to him. He began crying harder and I only feel... Itchy to see the light leave his eyes.

"avada kedavra" in a shot of green light. The vampire dead. Voldermort grinned and clapped his hands happily. I closed my eyes and stand up slowly. I feel satisfied. It feels as if something inside me released. Something that I've been holding in for so long.

"well done, Elora. Well done" when I opened my eyes, I saw my father smiling evilly at me. I grinned darkly  satisfied with what I've done. Feeling proud of myself.

Voldermort turned to Lucius who's been watching us from the corner "Lucius, I want you to throw his body away"

"right away, my Lord" Lucius bowed and carried the cage, walking out of the room.

He then turned to me "now, Elora... Go up to your room... You may rest now" I nodded my head and leave him alone in the basement. While on my way to the room, the Death Eaters are everywhere, all of them looked at me as if they're judging me. I walked passed all of them up to my room feeling the stares on my back. Lucius appear out of nowhere, I rolled my eyes and walked in to the room. Hearing him slammed the door and lock it from the outside. I sighed and lay down on the bed. The images of the man I killed just now started to reappear back.

Suddenly, another feeling starts to control my heart. I feel myself coming back to normal. The feelings of guilty started to washing over me. The darkness is now gone. A tear escaped from my eyes, thinking back on how late I was. I didn't save him. He should have been able to escape with Harry, alive. I was late. I sat up with my back resting on the headboard. I rubbed my face with my both hands and stay in the position for a moment to take all of this in. I'm being held here like a hostage, I can't escape. I've only been here for a couple hours but I feel miserable. And the fact that is killing me the most, I killed a man who never done anything to me. I'm a murderer.

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