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"Tsk ... Such a cringe name "  - I said .

"Hmm..." - said Zane

And suddenly from our back ..

" hello . how can I help you "

And then we both literally jumped in shock .

" aaah....umm let us check the ladies section " I said and let out a awkward laugh .

I pushed Zane towards the ladies Section .

"Omg!!! The man was so awkward" Zane said .

" he popped up out of nowhere " I said .

" OK so just see those dresses .wow its too beautiful " Zane said .

So then we checked some dresses and bought some and it started raining .

"Ooh shit !! It started raining .now ?" Zane said

"Now what ? Just we have to wait ".

Then we started exploring the store . it was quite big and lavish . the clothes , shoes or other accessories were indeed captivating . this walls of the the whole building was made from cement like an ordinary structure . but only this floor was made of glass . walls are glass....

After some time , I went to the men section cuz I wanted to buy some clothes for my stingy brother too. 

It was some suits.  So I went to look them . there was some special mannequin with those ordinary mannequin . those special one was extremely brilliant. Feels like it is a human . I wanted to touch it and then......

" Lucia !!! What are you doing here " said Zane .

"Aaaah !! I was looking some suits for seojoon "

"For that stingy brat ?" said Zane .


The window in front of those mannequin was opened . it was coming fresh air from there . and lil splash of rain.

When I went near the window . the window showed the reflect of those mannequin . and I was jungshocked ....." 'Is the mannequin crying' .... 'No no no' ..'maybe I have gone mad ' ' of course its the rain drop ' "

And slowly the rain stopped .

" hey ! Lucia . I am hungry " said Zane .

"OK then let's goooo"

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