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"What do you mean 'where's the logout button?'" I asked wondering if he was being serious.

"It's not in my menu. I saw-" responded Klein before being interrupted

"HAHAHAHAHAHA. Are you kidding me? Don't tell me you don't know how the menu works"

"Hold on JP, he's right. The logout button is not there" said Kirito with a concerned voice

"Come on guys, the joke was funny the first time. See? The logout button is right he- wait, you weren't kidding" Was this some sort of bug? We weren't really sure. While Klein desperately tried to get to his pizza by trying multiple methods of logging out, Kirito and I discussed some things.

"This HAS to be some weird bug. Did the beta test have any bugs like this where a part of the menu didn't work as intended" I asked trying to figure out this whole mess

"There were definitely bugs, but nothing as major as this. All of the menu options worked perfectly when they weren't WIP. It wouldn't make sense if a bug appeared that wasn't in the beta"

"Then do you think it wasn't an accident?" Both of us were clueless as to why this was happening. It clearly wasn't a bug, but if it truly was intentional, then what was the point. Suddenly, the ringing of bells were heard across the entire 1st floor. They came from the Town of Beginnings. We stood up wondering what was going on. The bells. Was this some kind of event? 

Before any of us could say anything,  the teleport animation swallowed Klein, then Kirito, and finally, a bright flash of light blinded me, as I was also teleported somewhere. When I opened my eyes again, We found ourselves in the central plaza of the Town of Beginnings. As other players were teleported here, they all had a similar expression of confusion, but nothing major. Some were slightly afraid, but most were still just confused. Without any warning, the ringing stopped.

"What's going on?" asked Kirito.

"I wished I could answer that question. Wait a sec. Look over there!" I said as I pointed to a small bleeping red sign in the sky. When I looked closer, I noticed it spelled the word 'warning'. Without giving an actual warning, several other signs circled the entire plaza. Some said 'warning' as well, while others spelled out the words 'system announcement'. By the time they completely surrounded us, the sky had a tinted bloody red appearance, and a liquid resembling blood began to leak from the edges of some of the 'warnings' and 'system announcements', but before they could touch the ground, they molded together into a cloaked figure, which we couldn't see the face of.

"What the hell is that thing?" asked Klein still wondering what was going on. The figure raised his arms in a welcoming gesture, and proceeded to say:

"Attention players, I welcome you to my world. My name is Akihiko Kayaba, and as of this moment I am in control of this world" Akihiko Kayaba, Akihiko Kayaba. Where have I heard that name before. THAT'S RIGHT! He's the creator of the Nervegear and Sword Art Online. I quickly glanced at Kirito, and he clearly knew as well who he was. As some of us asked ourselves questions, he proceeded with whatever he was going to say.

"I'm sure most of you have already noticed an item missing from your main menu, the logout button. Let me assure you this is not a defect in the game. I repeat, this is not a defect. This is how Sword Art Online was meant to be"

"He's kidding right?" said Klein trying to convince himself.

"I hope he is. If he's not, then what's gonna happen to us?" I said hoping that was the case, secretly knowing the truth.

"Wait guys, I think he's about to say something else" said Kirito trying to get our attention.

"You can not log yourselves out of SAO, and no one from the outside will be able to shut down or remove your nervegear from your head. If anyone attempts to do soa transmitter inside the nervegear will discharge a signal into your skull, destroying your brain, and ending your life"

The Master Tactician - SAO Aincrad Arc X OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang