Tabitha Gets Kidnapped

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"Chief Bennet I need you to get over to Tabitha's house right away..." He paused before responding "...No, it's not Kay or Maria. I'll explain when you get here." Having an understanding, he hung up the phone and told Kay "Your dad's on the way!" She was quick to ask "Shouldn't you call your dad?" He shook his head, and replied: "I'll call him when we have a better understanding of what is going on." Kay handed Endora back to her big brother when there was a knock at the door, and went to answer it. She thought it was her dad, but found Julian standing there with a bouquet of red and white roses. "...Uh...Hey Julian! What's up?" He smiled and told her "I came by to see Tabitha and the kids...Is something wrong?" Kay motioned for him to come in, and saw Fox standing in the living room rocking Endora. "Hey, son!" He said when he walked into the living room. Fox instantly stopped and said "Dad!" When Julian walked closer he noticed the carpet was folded back for some reason and saw blood. "Is that blood? Where's Tabitha?" He started to panic. Kay waited by the entryway to let her dad in, while Fox told his dad "We don't know if its blood, but it could be. Tabitha isn't here, Kay and I don't know where she is. We woke up because we heard Endora crying." Julian was so confused about what was happening. Fox just motioned for Julian to move to the couch and hold his daughter; he sat next to him.

A couple of minutes later, Chief Bennet arrived, and Kay quickly pulled him into the living room. He saw Julian holding Endora, and Fox sitting on the couch. He asked, "What's going on?" Kay brought him over to the spot and said "Fox and I don't know where Tabitha is, and I found this...Dad, it looks like blood!" Sam knelt down to examine the substance before sadly telling them "Its blood alright...When did each of you last see Tabitha?" Julian told him that he had come over two days ago to see his family, while Fox said: "Kay and I saw her last night before we went to bed. She had just put Endora down and said she was gonna relax down here and read for a bit." Kay added, "This morning we woke up to Endora crying, and we searched the house for Tabitha but there was no sign of her." Sam understood and radioed the station to start up a missing person report for Tabitha Lenox and to send a forensic team to her household right away.

On one of the Hawaiian Islands, Allistar Crane held a compound for his private and personal use. Tabitha awoke to find herself in pain and shackled in a dungeon cell. She fought against the pain to get herself into an upright position on the rickety cot she laid upon. Looking around with just one eye fully open, and the other one swollen almost all the way shut, she took note of the guard standing at the far end of the floor. She guessed he was guarding the stairs. Seeing a small window, she was thankful for the light but didn't have the strength to pull her body up that much to see where she was. All she knew was that she was trapped in a dungeon, but still had no idea who would target her, where she was, and she was without her baby.

Alistar Crane, on the other hand, sat in his office waiting for the call that his package was where he wanted it. When he received the news that his lovely Tabitha was waiting for him in Hawaii, he started making plans to leave later that evening.

Back at Tabitha's house, the forensic team had collected any prints they could find, anything that could be evidence, and collected a sample of the blood to run for DNA. "Alright, we've got every officer out looking for Tabitha or any information about where she might be..." He paused to look at Julian before continuing to ask "...Julian, it might help if you talk to Alistar about using some of the Crane resources. He doesn't need to know about you and Tabitha, but it would help us expand our search. Do you think you could do that?" Julian shook his head, but Fox interjected and said "I can probably hack into some of the crane's stuff..." He paused when everyone was about to protest but continued "...If it helps find Endora and I's mother then I'm doing it!" Julian agreed and offered to help along with Sam. Kay stayed home with the kids and was instructed to call them if they got any information.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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