•Yandere! Amajiki x reader•

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He wouldn't stop starring at you, and it was making you uncomfortable. Did you piss him off? Did he think you where just that ugly?

You wanted to turn around, to tell him to stop staring, but you just couldn't do. You knew the icy cold stare that would await you if you did.

So you just sat and tried to pay attention to what the teacher was teaching, But ultimately Phelan your focus only driving back to the elf like teen.

~time skip~

You were relieved when you heard the last bell. It singled for you to go home and enjoy the rest of your day.

But you didn't think you could enjoy the rest of your day because the one and only Tamaki Amajiki Seemed to be following you home.

You knew he was following you because you're spider senses went off, signaling there was danger around.

You never doubted them, and they never failed you. You had to think quick, you didn't want to accuse Amajiki of doing something creepy if he wasn't really following you.

So you had to make sure.

You got out a make up mirror and pretended to check your face when in reality you were checking behind you.

Amajiki was still there, and still walking behind you.

You decided him just walking behind you wasn't good enough evidence.

'Maybe he just lives near me?'

You tried to reason with your self. Fat chance, Amajiki has never taken this route.

A realization hit you, you would need to really prove the indigo haired male was following you, so instead of walking to your house, you decided to walk to a nearby park.

If he followed you to the park, you needed to call 911. You could take Amajiki in a fight easy, but to do that you would need to use your quirk.

And you couldn't expose your identity as a most wanted vigilante to a hero in training.

So, to the park you went. You took a left turn, and he made a left turn, you made a right turn, he made a right turn.

you saw this all through the small makeup mirror, and your spider senses had gone off every time he turned with you.

He was following you.

That meant you couldn't go home in fear of leading him to your address, this also meant that at some point today you would need to fight him with your quirk.

You decided to walk around the park for a while, fighting with yourself on what to do.

Should you confront him? Should you let him be? Should you just check into a hotel and just not go to school tomorrow?

Either way you kept your phone in your pocket, 911 at the ready to call.

After what felt like hours you finally came to the decision to confront him.

You knew Amajiki never liked confrontation, so maybe you could intimidate him and he would leave you alone.

You turned around, an entire speech at the ready to tell him how he made you feel unsafe following you around like that.

You thought maybe he just had a little crush on you and didn't know how to say it.

But when you turned around, he wasn't there.

Your spider senses suddenly kicked in, a sort of dull, alarming pain came with them. You turned to look behind you.

But you blacked out before you could see Amajiki, with a baseball bat.

He had cracked the metal bat over your head.

You realized with a cry of pain, you had led him to a isolated park. Where no one would see him drag to his home.

Where no one would see him tie you up.

Where no one would see him rescue his spider bunny from the cruel world.

Matt Murdoch watched from a nearby roof, a small smile painted on his face,

"Ah, young love."

•T. Amajiki, I kinda hate you.•Where stories live. Discover now