Promises And Apologies

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"We should make a vow!"
"A what?"
"A vow! You know, when you promise eachother something really important!"
"Yay! Plus, you might aswell learn to do vows anyways. You know people do that at weddings.... Right?"
"So, you might aswell practice!"

"I vow to be with Tom in his adventure of getting the person he loves until the end!"
"I vow to allow Tord to be there for me on my Adventure to getting the person I truly love the most?"
"So, how was that?"
"I guess it was okay..."

10:56 pm Thursday

Tord was literally going into a panic because Matt hasn't been back
since yesterday. Edd started getting really worried aswell, but he still
partially felt like he was doing something important, which is what "kept
him from coming home." I guess you could say I was a little bit worried.
Tord was talking about how he might be dead or something in an alleyway,
and the more he talked about it the faster his heart was beating. I honestly
thought he was gonna have a heart attack.

Suddenly the door knob started turning. We all started getting worried
about who was behind that door.

When the door opened Tord ran at max speed to the door. And when that
door opened all they way, his arms were fully wrapped around him. Matt
was back! Matt started tearing up after realizing how much he worried
everyone. And then started apologizing like we have never heard from him.

"I'm sorry! Im sorry! Im sorry! Im so sooorrrrry!"
"Why were you gone so long, man!" Tord said as he started to tear up again.
"I was on a trip with the family! I put a note on Edds desk."
"What?" Said Edd with a confused look.

"Yeah, did you guys not read it?"
We all started running towards Edds room. And sure enough. The note was
sitting there on his desk. It's funny how this has happened so many times
and yet we all still believe that we can put ANYTHING on his desk telling him
where we are at. This has happened before.

One time, Tord put a note on Edd's nightstand. Telling him that Tord was gonna be in Florida for his great
grandmother's funeral. And, when he comes back after being gone for three
weeks, Edd had already called the cops to report a missing person. But, he got in trouble because when the police investigated all the rooms, they found
the note on Edd's nightstand. He didnt get arrested or anything, just got lectured for ten minutes straight about how he needs to be more aware of
his surroundings. Atleast he didnt call the cops this time.

Ever since that night Matt came back, Tord seems kinda, I dont know, weird?
But, he is still helping me with my case.
"Hey, Tom?" Said Tord with a tired look on his face.
"Hey. Oh and, why are you so tired?"
"I dont really want to talk about it.." Tords face flushed after he said that.

"You have been acting pretty weird since Matt came back!~"
"Shut up-" Said Tord with a beet red face.
"Whaaaat haaappennnndd?~* I said jokingly.
"N-nothing! Sh-shut up-!"
Matt walks into the living room and when he looks in our direction, his face turns red, he then turns around and exits the room.

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