"Not thirsty anymore," Namjoon mouthed to Jungkook, who frowned in response.

The leader was lying. Jungkook could see his ears turning red. Namjoon's ears always turned red when he lied.

The maknae would have to keep an eye on him.


They went backstage for less than a minute, just enough to get into position and wipe their faces on their towels. Namjoon had hoped that maybe there would be enough time to refill his water bottle, but unfortunately there wasn't, and he wasn't one to complain. He wiped his sweaty face dry and joined the others on the rising platform.

His legs still felt quite wobbly. Namjoon wondered if he was going to be able to land the jumps that was in the IDOL choreography, even when he wasn't sick he got exhausted by the end, so he was very worried. He puts on a brave smile for the audience and his members; he doesn't want them to see that there's something wrong with him. His tongue still felt parched, his head was starting to hurt and his eyes burned from looking at the stage lights, but Namjoon had the biggest, brightest smile on his face as the backing track started.

The first lines in the song belonged to him. As the song progressed, his dizziness became more and more evident. A fog enveloped him. Namjoon forgot the lyrics to his verse, the others glancing at him in worry. He made up some random words and sounds and hoped that the fans wouldn't mind. His body felt woozy. He wanted to sit down. He wanted to stop dancing, he wanted to wake up from this scary nightmare he was having, Namjoon wanted to not feel dizzy anymore. He regretted having breakfast this morning. Everything was going to go wrong. He could feel it.

Jungkook didn't know what to do. He gazed at the audience, sneaking in little peeks to Namjoon every once in a while. Judging by the others, they were doing the same. The leader's face had turned ashen gray - something had gone wrong. The maknae sang his parts, but his mind was not on the lyrics or the performance anymore. He knew Namjoon was feeling worse but now, when the maknae needed to think something up fast, his mind was blank.

Something was going to go wrong. Taehyung could sense it. He wanted to get off the stage. He didn't want to perform anymore.

Hoseok's verse was coming up. The dancer, already exhausted from dancing in the chorus, bumped into a disoriented Namjoon on his way to the front. He was about to frown (Namjoon messed up the choreography), but then he remembered how the leader had been sick all week. His arms rushing to catch him, Hoseok managed to wrap his arms around the leader before Namjoon's knees gave out.

All around him, screams echoed from the audience. Fans stood up, trying to see what was going on, worry for their leader making them get louder and louder. The stage lights turned black.


"Joon hyung!"

There was a similar confusion on the stage. The members gathered frantically around Namjoon. Jungkook crouched down, feeling for the leader's wrist. He checked his pulse, his panic increasing when he found it was super fast. Hoseok loosened Namjoon's clothing. Yoongi's face was white. Namjoon wasn't moving at all.

A medical crew rushed onto the stage. Jungkook and Hoseok turned Namjoon over so he was laying flat on the floor. The crew came over, stretcher in tow. Jin helped load Namjoon onto the stretcher. They took him backstage. The others followed.

Nearly six minutes had passed when Namjoon finally opened his eyes. He tried to talk but no sound came out. His face was filled with confusion and delirium. He looked sick.

"He can't perform," one of the staff members said.

"Well yeah, I know." Taehyung stroked the leader's chin. Namjoon looked at him with teary eyes.

Hobeum and the other managers were standing at the door.

"You guys need to continue the show," Hobeum started. "I hate saying this, but people paid to come see you. Namjoon can rest back here. We'll take care of him."

Yoongi sweared loudly but he didn't try and argue. The members nodded. Jungkook ruffled Namjoon's hair affectionately before turning and following the others back onto stage.

The show started up again. Yoongi told the audience that Namjoon wasn't feeling very well. The audience "awwwed" in almost perfect unison. Hoseok wondered if the leader could hear it from backstage. The dancer could picture it - Namjoon's face lighting up in a sweet smile when he heard his name being called.

Meanwhile, in reality, Namjoon didn't hear anything. He was hovering in between consciousness and unconsciousness as he tried to sleep. The staff had told the managers that he needed a week of bed rest, maybe even more. If anything got worse, then a trip to the hospital would be necessary.

Namjoon slowly drifted off to sleep. Who knows how long it had been since he had actually gotten good quality sleep.


Namjoon was unaware exactly when the concert ended. He was still blissfully sleeping when they got into the car. His head rested on Jin's shoulder, the members all around them.

Jungkook carried him to his bed when they reached the dorms. Taehyung won the match of rock paper scissors so he got to stay with Namjoon that night.


A week passed quite quickly. The frequent dizzy spells that Namjoon used to have disappeared completely. Though all of the others worked hard to take care of him, Namjoon has to admit that the constant pampering and attention from the maknae line cheered him up immensely.

This probably wouldn't be the last time that Namjoon would overwork himself, it would definitely happen again, but it did teach him a lesson. And maybe next time, he wouldn't push himself quite that much.


sorry im getting worse at writing lmao

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sorry im getting worse at writing lmao

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Namjoon Oneshots and SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now