Chapter Six

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Devil's playground

Chuuya was looking down well walking, he was with tachihara he felt so guilty about what happened. Even if tachihara doesn't remember, he does and he wants to forget but he can't.
" Chuuya are you okay? " Tachihara asked
Chuuya looked up
" Yeah just thinking about something " Chuuya answered
Tachihara sighed turning around, and facing chuuya stopping in front of him. Chuuya stopped once tachihara did, looking at tachihara confused.

Tachihara grabbed chuuya's hands
" Chuuya I know you probably will say no but I like you no I love you I do and I want to make you happy will you at least give me a small chance and go out with me? " Tachihara asked
Chuuya blushed his eyes looked away, tachihara let go of chuuya's hands.
" I'm sorry " Tachihara said
Chuuya didn't want to hurt tachihara's feeling
" No no it's okay I'll go on a date with you " Chuuya said
Tachihara sighed in relief

Chuuya felt a pain on his wrist, a small wince left his lips tachihara looked concerned.
" What's wrong?! " Tachihara asked worried
Chuuya shrugged and looked at his wrist, pulling down his sleeve his eyes widened in shock.
" I must have accidentally cut myself.... " Chuuya said
His voice filled with question
Tachihara grabbed chuuya's wrist, worried accidentally hurting chuuya. Chuuya let out a painful whimper, from the sudden grab at his wounded wrist.

" I'm sorry whether happened chuuya!? " Tachihara asked
Chuuya looked at the blood that fell from his cut
" I probably cut myself well doing something " Chuuya said
He felt as if he was in a daze, within a few seconds chuuya was in the same bedroom he was in with dazai. He looked around trying to find tachihara, who was past out one the floor.
" Hello chuuya " Dazai said darkly
Chuuya looked at dazai
" What did I do? " Chuuya asked
Dazai smiled brightly, going in front of chuuya and grabbing his arm. Gently not to hurt chuuya, chuuya watched as dazai wrapped his wrist in a bandage.

Chuuya looked at dazai
" Didn't I say you belong to me chuuya? " Dazai asked
Chuuya nodded
" What does that mean? " Dazai asked
" That I belong to you "chuuya answered
Dazai nodded
" So what makes you think you can go out with people? " Dazai asked
Chuuya looked down
" I didn't want to hurt his feelings plus I felt bad for what happened " Chuuya answered
Dazai looked at chuuya
" What if I erased that memory for you? " Dazai asked
Chuuya looked up
" Wouldn't I forget the deal? " Chuuya asked
Dazai smiled
" I'll just put in a fake memory so you won't " Dazai said
Chuuya looks at tachihara
" Why not just removed his feelings for me? " Chuuya asked
Dazai chuckled

His eyes glowed a dark red, yet his eyes we're so bright with the red.
" Well I can but you'd have to do something for me " Dazai said
Something in his voice, told chuuya to not do it. Chuuya didn't listen, his mind fell blank after all he didn't think for himself.
" What do you want me to do? " Chuuya asked
Dazai smirked
" Be mine for the rest of your life chuuya " Dazai said
" I thou- " Chuuya was cut off
" You already know what I mean chuuya " Dazai said
Chuuya looked surprised, the red glow in dazai's eyes seemingly glowed brighter.

Tachihara's body vanished
" Where'd he? " Chuuya asked
" He's back at his house " Dazai said
Chuuya looked down
" The rest of my life " Chuuya said
Dazai's lips trailed down chuuya's neck
" Or all of eternity " Dazai mumbled against chuuya's skin, chuuya's hands found their way to dazai's chest. His hands turning into fist, gripping dazai's suit well dazai's sharp teeth pierced into his skin.

Chuuya let out a soft moan, as dazai starts sucking onto the bite licking over it. The coper taste filled dazai's mouth, he pulled away his lips meeting with chuuya's. It was wrong so terribly wrong, yet chuuya didn't care his arms wrapped around dazai's neck. As if they were snakes trapping his prey, chuuya's back hit the bed as dazai hovered over him.

Moans slips past chuuya's lips

Chanting dazai's name like a prayer, completely owned by the devil chuuya didn't care.

Chuuya's body laid unconscious next to dazai's, dazai looked at chuuya the ginger was beautiful. Dazai sighed getting up, chuuya still sleeping grabbed dazai's arm. Making the brunette look at him, that's right whenever chuuya was alone his world would be a living nightmare.

What was the ginger so scared of any way, what so badly scared him that he shit it out of his memory. Dazai was curious so he left, still watching chuuya the gingers dreams devoured in darkness.

Chuuya was running as fast as he could, it was dark in the abandoned warehouse. Chuuya hide behind a wall, covering his mouth so his breathing wasn't so loud.
" Come out chuuya " A dark low voice said
Tears filled chuuya's eyes the small boy was scared, the voice was getting louder.

Chuuya was about to run, when his arm was grabbed and pulled. Chuuya was tackled to the grown, screams left his mouth as a razor sharp blade pierced into his skin. Chuuya kicked and hit the person, tears running down his face the sharp blade cutting across his wrist.
Chuuya was pulled up
" Sign the damn paper! " The person yelled
Chuuya sniffed shaking his head no
" Do it! " The person yelled again
Grabbing chuuya's arm chuuya tried pulling his arm away, but couldn't the blade going across his wrist again.

The person continued to yell and cut chuuya, until the small kid couldn't take it anymore. Crying chuuya took the ink pen, forced to use his blood chuuya signed the contract.
" Good now come on " The person said
Grabbing chuuya cut wrist tightly, making chuuya wince I'm pain as he was dragged out of the abandoned warehouse.

Chuuya looked at the person, his vision blurred, the person seemingly shape shifted chuuya's eyes widened.
" You'll be a perfect dog " The being Growled
Chuuya was thrown into a car, he looked at the door as it shut.
" Satan would be pleased when he comes of age " The being said
Chuuya did nothing he couldn't do anything, chuuya body fell onto the seat and his eyes closed.

Chuuya shot up quickly, breathing fast he found himself in his room. Confused chuuya rubbed his head, tears seem to stay in his eyes.
" Chuuya "
The voice was soft and gentle, chuuya turned to face his door where dazai stood. Chuuya tilted his head in confusion, he blushed when memories hit him chuuya looked away.
" Yeah? " Chuuya asked
" When you were a kid d- " Dazai was cut off
" Don't talk about it " Chuuya said
Dazai looked at chuuya confused
" I just want to know chuuya you do kn- " Dazai was cut off again
" I said don't talk about it! " Chuuya shouted
His eyes glared at dazai coldly

Dazai stepped closer to chuuya
" Chuuya Listen to me " Dazai said
Chuuya stood up
" No I don't care if I gave myself to you I don't want to talk about it! " Chuuya shouted
Dazai pushed chuuya down onto the bed, making chuuya sit down chuuya's eyes fell. You the floor.
" Chuuya why'd it happen? " Dazai asked
Chuuya looked at dazai
" Your the devil you should know after all the fucker is burning in hell isn't he " Chuuya said

Dazai sighed
" Chuuya please " Dazai whispered
" Fuck off " Chuuya barked out
" I don't want to have to make you chuuya just say it " Dazai said
Chuuya's mind flooded with the images
" No " Chuuya said

No being repeated over and over

" Welcome to the devil's playground "

Chuuya was 7 when it happened, when he was taken by a stranger. The devil's playground was a theme park, obviously abandon when he was there warehouse a few yards away. Chuuya was with other kids, forced to do a series of test to see. To see who'd be a perfect dog for the young Lucifer's child, chuuya seen so much blood spill that past week.

Seven years old

The boy was completely scared, the event scarring chuuya he was the last kid. Darkness filled the theme park, as the stranger ran after chuuya.

Dazai cupped chuuya's cheeks, chuuya looked at dazai with teary eyes.
" Why? " Chuuya asked
Dazai stared at chuuya
" I-... I don't know " Dazai said
Chuuya looked away

How long until chuuya was fully his, he didn't have to wait that long.

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