Jackson "Yea"

Y/n "I was already sad because of you and other shit"

Y/n "But now Payton is too sad and I can't see him sad"

Y/n "I wanna die"

Jackson "I understand it but I'm here to talk if you need to"

Y/n "I know. And I'm here for you too"

Jackson "I know"

Y/n "Do you have to say something?"

Jackson "No not really"

Jackson "It's just I'm so in love with you but yea you're dating Payton"

Y/n "I'm sorry"

Jackson "Can you do me a favor?"

Y/n "uuuhhmm yes I guess"

Jackson "Can you kiss me?"

Y/n "Me? Nononono I'm not gonna cheat"

Jackson "Then I'm gonna kiss you. Is that better?"

Y/n "No because our lips are gonna touch then and then it's cheating"

Jackson didn't said anything. I turned my head Jackson turned my head back and kissed me. Ofc I didn't kiss back.

Y/n "WTF JACKSON" is slapped him

Jackson "Sorry I just really wanted to kiss you"



Is start walking away back to my house. I was crying so hard. I got to the gate and climbed over it. When I got to the garage I saw Payton was in it with Kaitlyn. I got to my room and locked the door. I texted Kaitlyn

Hey kan je aub komen naar me kamer? Hey can you please come to my room?

Tuurlijk Ofc

After 5 minutes I heard a knock on my door.

Y/n "Kaitlyn ben jij da?" Kaitlyn is it you?

Kaitlyn "Ja ik ben het" Yes it's me

Y/n "Wacht kga even de deur openmaken" Wait I'm gonna unlock the door

Kaitlyn "Ok" Ok

I unlocked my door she camed into my room and I locked the door again

Kaitlyn "Wat is er" What's wrong

Y/n " Ik ging gaan wandelen in het bad and Jackson was daar blijkbaar ook hij vroeg me kan je iets doen voor me ik zei ja denk ik dan zei hij kus me dan zei ik nee tuurlijk niet en blablabla dan draaide ik mijn hoofd en dan draaide hij mijn hoofd naar hem en kuste me" I was going for a walk in the forest and Jackson was there too he asked can you do me a favor I said yes I guess then he siad can you kiss me I said no ofc not and blablabla then I turned my head and then he turned my head to him and then he kissed me

Kaitlyn "Heeft jij jou gekust?" Did he kissed you?

Y/n "Ja en nu voel ik me nog slechter" Yes and now I'm feeling worse"

Kaitlyn "Hoezo" Why?

Y/n "Omdat ik het gevoel heb da ik ben vreemd gegaan maar ik heb hem niet gekust" Because I have the feeling that I cheated but I didn't kiss him

Kaitlyn "Ik snap et" I understand it

Kaitlyn "Ik wil gewoon da je ok bent" I just want that your ok

Y/n "Kwil da ook" I want that too

We hugged

Kaitlyn "Misschien moet je met Payton gaan praten" Maybe you have to go talk to Payton

Y/n "Ja" Yea

Y/n "Maar kben bang" But I'm scared

Kaitlyn "Wrm je moet toch nie bang zijn het is je boyfriend" Why you don't have to be scared he is your boyfriend

Y/n "Das waar" That's true

Hey guys, sorry for the faults and thanks you so much for the followers and views. Sorry if the story is getting boring. I'm just boring. It's just because I'm not feeling well.

Love y'all

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