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„You're Back Soobin, that's good. And I see that I was right, you were searching for me, Yeonjun.", the devil says shortly after we both arrive at the castle, just landed.

The called one just takes his transformation back in seconds like it's nothing, changed back to normal human form.

I don't know if it's just me or if it seems like he does it with much more ease than my Yeonjun does...

„Yes sir, you guessed right. But before that we will have to go see Yeonjun right? He must be suffering.", he answers with a nod while I'm just completely confused over here.

He does look a bit more concerned now and not just annoyed or stressed.

„Right, that would help a lot. Soobin, tell the other three to come here too, this will be a matter involving all of you five.", Yeonjun's dad tells me, I nod before we start walking towards Yeonjun's room as I quickly text the others.

Who Are We? [Devil's son] - YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now