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While sitting here on the side of his bed I softly stroke through Yeonjun's hair once again, as he's still unconscious, the nurse too was almost about to call an ambulance but luckily I could convince her to not do so.

I may have lied by saying that Yeonjun didn't sleep enough.

I mean, it's half true, Yeonjun mentioned yesterday that he sleeps bad because of the headaches and that weird feeling, but at the same time we all know this isn't because of a lack of sleep.

„WHERE IS HE?!", a voice suddenly screams and the door gets slammed open.

Since Taehyun's the first to come inside I guess he's the one to have shouted that. And I'm not even surprised one bit.

„This idiot is so stupid sometimes.", he continues a bit more quiet, but still loud enough to be heard and confuse the nurse.

Of course she wouldn't get anything.

„Taehyun, later.", I just quickly remind him of the place we're at. And immediately I hear him sighting, he already hates this and especially now.

I guess I will have to take Yeonjun home...

And go along of course.

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