Chapter 6

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I couldn't go to wait for her today. My boss made me to stay at work in break time to redo the report again because it was full of mistakes.

I was angry at myself and my boss and everyone around me because today I missed the chance to lay my eyes on her.

I knew that this wasn't healthy for me and I realised that I fell in love with a girl I never even talked to and that I didn't know.

I thought about her all the time. At work I could think nothing more but wait for break time to rush to the cafe a few blocks away.

But there was nothing I could do about it. At night when I lay in bed staring at the ceiling she crosses my mind oftenery. I convince myself to not go the next day. To go have lunch in another of the million cafes but the time comes and I find myself back waiting for her. It was starting to feel like obsession.

I wonder had she noticed I wasn't there today?

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