Chapter 3

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Scorpius looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn't deny he looked good but was it good enough? He a wore dark blue suit and his crown. It complemented him very well and made him feel powerful.

He was nervous about how Albus would react to him being the prince. He was surely going to freak out and leave him alone and break his heart. That was the most obvious answer to him. Albus would never forgive him for hiding such a big part of his life from him. Or he would want to use him.

He exited his room and made his way down. He greeted everyone he could until Albus got there.

Gods he looked handsome. He wore the light grey suit he got him. His hair was combed and his face had a bright smile.

Next to him stood a taller boy with almost the same features but worth brown eyes. And to his other side a ginger haired girl. She looked young and beautiful. Behind him was who he guessed were his parents. He took off the crown to go meet them but Percy and Jason stopped him. "we'll get him sir, remember that today you're telling him."

Scorpius nodded and let the two guards go for his boyfriend. He could see the father was shocked when two guards approached them but he was sure Percy would clear things up. Or at least try to without giving him away.

Thankfully they did something right because he could see Albus following them to where he was. Albus ran to him and hugged him tightly, "my darling, there you are."

Scorpius held him in his arms, this was the man he loved. "I have something to tell you sweetheart."

Albus shook his head, "I know. The crown didn't give it away, I knew."

Scorpius looked shocked, "how?"

Albus chuckled, "take me somewhere private my darling."

The guards followed closely, it was their job after all.

They sat outside in the beautiful garden. "My darling, after our talk this week about the bruise you sent two guards after me. I saw the but I thought it was sweet. I didn't want to believe it. How could a handsome prince ever love me? I wanted to wake up from this dream but this dream is my reality. Then you have me this and I knew your plan was to tell me. I just want to know, why me?"

Scorpius took his hands, "I fell for you and you fell for me. The me that doesn't wear the crown. You know the real me and I would like to know that I know the real you. I was so scared to tell you about this part of my life."

Albus placed a gentle hand on his cheek, "you have nothing to fear my darling. I love you for who you are. Now I know that you did your best to protect me from the people who hurt me. So now let me protect you from all the stress that hurts you. You can now tell me anything that bothers you without being afraid."

Scorpius kissed him. He wanted to show how much he loved him. How much he appreciated everything he had said and how thankful he was that he had him.

"Son." shit. "Oh my, I'm very sorry to interrupt."

Scorpius turned red as he faced his father, "Dad!"

His father chuckled, "I'm very sorry my son. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Hercules told me you were here. I didn't mean to interrupt but since I just did you can just introduce me to the young man."

Scorpius stood up and helped Albus up. "Father this is Albus. Albus this is my father, the king."

Albus bowed, "your majesty. I apologise for the way you caught us. It was my fault."

Draco chuckled, "don't apologize Albus. I was the one who surprised you two. I do have to say that I'm shocked that Scorp would kiss someone he just met."

Scorpius shook his head, "I have to confess something father. I met him two years ago. We've been together for a year. He didn't know and I didn't know how to tell him or you the truth."

Draco placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Scorp I am disappointed you would hide this from me but I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me. Now you best tell his father, ill leave you two alone. Albus it was nice to finally meet you."

After his father left, Albus looked at him. "This kingdom is for you to meet someone who you'll marry isn't it?"

Scorpius nodded, "look you don't have to. It's your choice too. I would love to marry and lead the kingdom with you by my side."

"what about the fact that you need to have a child?"

Scorpius shrugged, "my father said he just cared about my happiness. He told me I could do what he did to have me. He never married anyone."

Albus took his hand, "are you sure you want me? You could have anyone in the kingdom."

Scorpius smiled at him, "do you love me?"

Albus nodded, "of course. I loved you before I knew. I will always love you."

"Then I'm sure I want you by my side if you allow me. I would propose but I want to do it in a special way."

"My darling, every moment is special when you are with me."

"Take me to meet your parents and siblings."


Al's father was dancing with his beautiful wife when the two boys approached them.


The man turned to face him not noticing the prince just yet. "yes?"

"I want you to meet my future husband."

The man's eyes widened when he saw the prince. Before he could say anything Al's brother and sister spoke up.

"You can't say anything against it Father. What if I'm also with a man?"

"and me with a woman?"

The poor man looked confused, "I don't care who you're with kids. Why would I care? I want your happiness."

"That's good but just so you know what me and Lily said was a lie." the brother turned to the young prince. "your majesty, I'm James and this is my sister Lily."

Scorpius greeted them kindly before looking at the dad. "your majesty. I'm Harry. I'm sorry for the wrong impression my kids have given you. I assure you that I was just a bit shocked that my youngest son is going to marry a prince. Any one would be shocked."

Scorpius chuckled, "it's quite alright sir. I'm glad to finally have the honour to meet you."


Albus nodded, "I'm sorry for not telling you father. We've been together for a year."

Harry looked like he was going to faint. Scorpius asked his guards to bring the medic to check him.

Albus grabbed his arm and pulled him to dance. He didn't want the private lessons to go to waste. His father would be fine. And both of them were glad the truth was finally out.

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