His eyes quickly scanned the page of the notebook, before he lifted his head up and turned to me. "Why did you put yourself as a suspect?"

I gulped when I heard the question, but I sighed anyway, turning my head to face the floor. "Read theory number 4."

Adrien looked back down at the notebook and read aloud. "'What if I'm her, and she's me?'"

"I mean, it sort of makes sense," I immediately stood up. "What if the girl is somehow. . .me? She looks like me, sounds like me. . .it just feels like this is a possible answer. Maybe she's trying to take full control of my body. I mean, now that I think about it. . .it makes sense, but doesn't make sense at the same time."

"Well, what if she's related to you?"

I quickly whirled around to face Adrien. "What? Adrien, you know I don't have a sibling."

"How would you know that?" Adrien just shrugged. "She could have been hiding."

I let out a gasp in realization, suddenly remembering something. "You know what. . .?" I took my mother's phone out and unlocked it, quickly going back to the messages I'd read before. "You could be right." My eyes scanned the messages.

(Sabine D.) - What do you
mean she's gone?!

(Unknown) - she just left. I didn't 
see her in the morning 
when I got up.

(Sabine D.) - You were supposed
to look after her. You
have to find her now!
She could have turned
into a psycho for all we

(Unknown) - it wasn't my fault!

(Sabine D.) - I never said it was.

(Unknown) - you act as if everything is my fault. 
Don't forget it wasn't me who took her 
from you in the first place! 
I had to betray my own 
mother just to help you out!

(Sabine D.) - please, calm down. I wasn't
trying to blame it on you. I
know you've been a real help
lately, but please, inform me
about where my daughter is
once you find her!

(Unknown) - fine! I'll do my best.

(Sabine D.) - Thank you.

I showed Adrien the phone screen, allowing him to read every words on it. "Maman was talking about her daughter going missing, but if I remember clearly, I was never missing," I explained, coming to a conclusion. "So, it must be. . .my twin sister." I breathed in and out, realizing what I'd just said. "My twin sister. . .my evil twin sister. It all makes sense now. The reason why she looks like me, the reason Maman was referring to her daughter, the reason why Maman mentioned something about her being psycho. What doesn't make sense is why she would kill Maman and Papa-"

"Maybe, she didn't," Adrien suggested. "I mean, you have two more suspects here. I think it's better that we run through the facts, find more facts before we assume things. We need to be really sure of what we're doing, because one mistake, and whoever's behind this could attack and take us down."

"We? Us?"


"Oh-" I was immediately interrupted by my phone ringing, so I walked over to it and picked it up. "Oh, it's Alya." After checking the caller ID, I tapped on the green button and called out. "Hey Alya? You good?"

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