"Hey ladies." Jess walks towards us with her hair in a bun, a robe covering her cute belly and slippers.

"You're awake." I get up to give her a hug and she still looks a bit tired.

"Yeah the nap and massage really helped." She yawns as she sits next to me.

"This baby is hungry guys." She rubs her belly and I just stare at her.

"Let's get some dinner after they are done with their nails." I give her a sincere smile and she just nods and we continue with our small talk and eventually the girls finish their predicates and we go back to our rooms and get changed.

"What are you in the mood for Jess?" Elaina asks looking at the three restaurants lined up next to each other. This spa retreat is actually so fancy. The place is basically split into four so the only area is the hotel part where all the rooms are, the second part is the restaurant buildings, the third is the spa and hairdressing area and the fourth is a wedding venue. Since it's holiday there's a lot more people than usual.

"Anything but seafood." She has a disgusted look on her face.

"Says the one who was craving fish in the beginning of her pregnancy." Jane winks and we all giggle.

"So the Steakhouse it is?" I motion to the restaurant on the left.

"Yeah the other place looks way to packed." We walk the direction of the Steakhouse and luckily there are very few people around. Given it's such a fancy restaurant we're a bit underdressed for that.

"Thanks for all the effort you guys put into this weekend. And thanks Liv for organizing it. I really appreciate it." Jess gives me a firm squeeze on the arm.

"Always girl. You deserve it." I give her a warm smile and the waitress takes our orders and I'm last.

"Can I please have the steak salad with avo and sparkling water please." I request and the waitress jots it down and leaves the table. I stare back up at my menu with all three girls staring at me.

"What?" I shrug.

"Liv have you realized how much weight you have lost since you started going to gym?" Elaina speaks up and they all stare at me. I stare down at my body and I mean I look and feel good. So what's the problem?

"Not just when you started gym but when Nick returned she's been in the gym everyday for at least an hour." Jane speaks up and I just look down again studying my physique.

"I've been trying to get more toned and I wanted to lose a bit of weight first that's all. And gym is a good way to blow off steam you know." I give them all a sincere smile and they all look at me worriedly.

"You don't need  to lose anymore weight Liv. You should eat more. You're legs are so bony." Jess replies and I look at my legs. I'm wearing shorts and a strap shirt and I personally don't think anything is wrong with my legs.

"No but really you barely eat and when you do it's salad and stuff like that." Jane says and the waitress brings their milkshakes and my water.

"I'm just choosing a healthy lifestyle. I feel good so I don't see the problem." I take a sip of my water.

"Is it because of Nick?" Elaina asks and I just roll my eyes.

"Not everything is about him. I gym because it makes me feel good and I look good so what's the problem?" I roll my eyes and I'm pretty annoyed at this point and they all just look at each other and then back at me.

"We just want you to be healthy." Elaina gives me a sincere smile and I just nod.

"Besides you can have some of my fat. I've got to much." Jess looks down at her stomach and we all laugh and the mood lightens up a bit.

"Yeah but don't worry I'm fine." I smile and as the waitress puts the food down I'm a bit hesitant to eat but then I do. Now that they've made me aware of my eating habits and gym it's really going to be difficult to not think about it. I sigh and I take a bite of my salad and it really looks and tastes good.

"So are you really going to do the Australia thing?" Jane asks in between her bites.

"Yes. I told him I need to work alone at the lake house and then when I'm done then I can go with him for a month." I shrug as I take a bite of my salad.

"A month?" Elaina asks.

"Yeah why not. It could be fun." I smile a little and I really am quite excited.

"Yeah you'll learn a lot about each other in that time. Your relationship is just going to get stronger." Jane says and I just give them a small smile. No one really knows that we're only doing this to make Nick jealous but what if we're actually really good together? I mean the chemistry is there and immediately Nick pops up in my head and I try to move him out of my thought.

"Liv?" I snap out of my gaze.

"Yeah our relationship will get stronger I suppose." I assure them and we continue with our dinner.

"So plans for tomorrow?" I ask as we make our way up to our rooms.

"I'm definitely getting another maternity massage." Jess points to herself and we all laugh a little.

"Yeah I can do with the hot stone massage again and the face massage again." I speak up and both Jane and Elaina agree.

"Yeah but thanks so much for the good day guys." I yawn and head to my room.

"Sleep right." Jane says as she goes into her room as well. Before I get dressed in my pjs I stare at the mirror and I look at my body. I might have lost a little bit of weight but I think I still look fine. As I get into bed I check my phone and I have a message from Brad.

- Hope you're having fun. I'll drop you off at the lake-house if you want me to of course.

No don't stress. I think I'll go alone but I really appreciate the effort. How are things there?

- It's good, boring actually just been watching Jacob imprint on Bella's kid. I'm really team Edward because Jacob is really creepy if you think about it. Pedo vibes you know. How's the girls weekend?

I smile reading his text. He really is a weird child this one.

Stop watching Twilight and do those million assignments you have due for next semester. I need your full attention on me so I don't fail. And watch FRIENDS it'll bring a bit more laughter into your life. We've had this discussion you know. Oh and the girls weekend is good. Going home tomorrow afternoon. Anyways going to bed now. Sleep tight x

- I'll look into it. Glad you're having fun. Goodnight Olivia. Dream of me x

I put my phone down and I smile as I stare at the ceiling. I really think the potential for a relationship could be there with Brad but we said no feelings so I'm sticking to that. Badass Olivia shows no emotions right? I let out a huge sigh and I close my eyes and drift off.

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